The subject of "The Prince" is the Royal Family. The British are furious and calling it less satire and more mockery, disgrace and disgrace.Gary Janetti, Family Guy's co-executive producer, created the HBO Max series. It is a funny take on the Royal family. The show has been streaming for a few days and there have been some negative reviews. Many viewers took to social media to criticize the show for depicting the family as dysfunctional and with egotistical tendencies.The show stars Orlando Bloom as Prince Harry. It also features Prince George, an 8-year old boy who is depicted as a spoilt brat who commands staff and forces children to join him on lavish play dates.Queen Elizabeth is depicted as a mafia boss, while Prince Charles is given the mommy-boy label. Behind closed doors, Charles snarks about how long it took to get the throne. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are also shown living in L.A., the "smallest palace" Harry ever visited.When it came to caricatures, the animators pushed the boundaries. For example, Prince William's head is huge. Prince Philip's back is protruding and appears almost lifeless.