Fetty Wap's family and all his relatives have suffered a terrible tragedy when Lauren Maxwell, his 4-year-old daughter, died.Turquoise Miami confirmed Lauren's death over the weekend via Instagram. Lauren smiles while enjoying the pool. At the time of writing, it is not known what caused her death.We are waiting for your permission to load Instagram Media.Turquoises caption read, "This is my beautiful, funny, bright, loving, talented and smart princess mermaid Aquarius." You can comment on this post by scrolling by, or simply say "I love you LAUREN" because souls can feel your love #RIP.Fetty Wap turnt up the Rolling Loud stage for his daughter Lauren Maxwell pic.twitter.com/qHTp86uuQt The Boss Affiliate (@thebossaffilia) July 26, 2021 @thebossaffiliaFetty dedicated his performance at Rolling Loud in Miami last weekend to Lauren. On his Instagram Story, he wrote, Lolo di that s***for you last night baby, followed by a butterfly and dove emojis.It has been a difficult couple of years for Fetty's family. Fetty's daughter Alaiya was born prematurely in January 2019. She underwent emergency brain surgery in January 2019. The surgery was successful.Lauren was 4.