Super Nintendo World, an area featuring Super Mario, opened in March. It was delayed several times, but it finally opened in March. Nintendo may be expanding the park. VGC noted that recent USJ visitors have posted photos on social media showing scaffolding and cranes around Super Nintendo World. This suggests that work is being done on the rumored Donkey Kong area.Although neither Universal nor Nintendo have announced any plans for Donkey Kong, rumors about them have been going on for years. The first concept images for Super Nintendo World showed plans for a Donkey Kong-themed area, with a mine cart-style rollercoaster. Super Nintendo World opened with Mario-themed attractions. However, there was a large locked door that appears to be leading to a Donkey Kong-themed section of the park. DK assets were also datamined using the USJ app, suggesting that there might be additional in-park collectibles.Super Nintendo World's existing park is an ideal fit for Donkey Kong. Mario first appeared in Donkey Kong's arcade game. Donkey Kong then appears in Mario Kart and other Mario-themed sports games. The addition should not compromise the sense that Super Nintendo World is one park. It does however mean that the park doesn't cover all of Nintendos IP. This is especially evident with omissions such as The Legend of Zelda.Similar Super World: Sensory overloadUniversal plans to also open Nintendo areas in its parks in Hollywood and Orlando. However, it is not yet known when construction will be complete.