After Tugrul Cirakoglu completed his studies, he began a cleaning business after parties.The 29-year old noticed that the more he had to do, the more he could charge for a job.Cirakoglu was a specialist in trauma cleaning, cleaning up crime scenes, and unattended deaths.Insider Careers: Find job advice and insight for smart professionals. Loading Click Sign up to receive marketing emails and other offers from Insider.Tugrul Cirakoglu, 29, seems to have really taken this advice to heart.After graduating in 2014 and having difficulty finding work, Cirakoglu founded a cleaning business. He started with cleaning after parties and then moved on to cleaning up crime scenes and tidying up hoarders.Trauma cleaning is the name of this specialty. Cirakoglu seems to be able to take on tough jobs that no one else is interested in. This, at least, appears to have a financial benefit. According to Vice's interview, Cirakoglu regularly gets called out to clean up jobs that can make him several thousand dollars per day.To showcase his work, the Amsterdam cleaner posts photos online regularly. A word of caution: Some of his Instagram photos can be graphic and require a strong stomach. So scroll down with discretion.It all beganCirakoglu says it started with a lot more inoffensive work.Although "Student digs" or "Post-House-Party" scenes may not be the most clean, they are certainly not as bad as many of the jobs Cirakoglu finds nowadays.Cirakoglu, who had a Master's in Management & International Business five years ago, was still looking for a job.After Christmas dinner, clean up the kitchen. #Party #Christmas#Dinner #Cleanup#Kitchen #nofilter This post was shared by Schoonmaakbedrijf Frissekater (@frissekater), February 8, 2017, 8:03 AM PST February 8, 2017, 8:03 AM PST February 8, 2017, 8:03 AM PST. February 8, 2017, 8:03 AM PST.He started his business, "Frisse Kater", with just $300 of start-up capital. Although it was initially focused on deep-cleaning after house parties, Cirakoglu quickly noticed that the more dirty the job, the higher the pay.According to Cirakoglu, "The more extreme the more lucrative" seems to be the rule. Cirakoglu chose to concentrate on extremely dirty and extreme jobs because of this.He promises that his customers will have a deep clean like "as if nothing has ever happened".Trauma clean-up. #Trauma #Biohazard#Cleanup #nofilter This post was shared by Schoonmaakbedrijf Frissekater (@frissekater), February 8, 2017, at 8:05 AM PST February 8, 2017, at 8:05 AM PST February 8, 2017, at 8:05 AM PST February 8, 2017, at 8:05 PM PST. February 8, 2017, at 8:05 AM PST. Feb 8, 2017, at 8:05 A.M. PST. Feb 8, 2017, at 8:05AM PST, March 8, 2017 at 5:05 A clean-upCirakoglu often finds serious hygiene problems in the homes he visits.Cirakoglu is sure to have seen many things, from hoarders who collect obsessively objects in their homes until they become overwhelming clutter to those who soil their homes and themselves.Cirakoglu was asked by a housing association to remove 150 kilograms of human waste from a bathroom after residents complained about the smell. Even though the toilet was blocked for some time, the resident continued to use it until it overflowed with waste.Hoarding cleanup. #Hoarding #Biohazard Clean-up A post by Schoonmaakbedrijf Frissekater (@frissekater), Jun 19, 2019, 1:00 PM PDT Jun 19, 2019, 1:00 PM PDT Jun 19, 2019, 1:00 PM PDTVice reported that Cirakoglu stated that "in the end, residents would just go to the threshold to use the bathroom and use their doorstep to relieve themselves."Cirakoglu was summoned to Eindhoven in 2017 to work. It turned out that an elderly man had died without anyone being aware. Five months had passed since the death, and there was little evidence of any remains. The smell was so strong that the police had to open the windows and force the guests of the hotel next door to go.Over the course of months, 10 square meters of human waste and bodily fluids had covered the floor. The house was in such a terrible state that Cirakoglu was willing to pay the highest price to clean it.Clean-up of pigeon poop. #Poop #Pigeon Biohazard #Cleanup (@frissekater) Aug 18, 2017, 12:50 PDT Aug 18, 2017, 12:50 PDTCirakoglu also visits places where incidents have occurred. According to the cleaner, certain types of deaths or accidents require more cleaning than others.Heavy-duty jobs can be as high as $4,000Cirakoglu breaks down his jobs into different categories in order to determine a price. The price is determined by how heavy the job is. According to Vice, 150 kg of human waste would be removed from a bathroom that is overflowing. This would cost around $4,000 per day.You can easily earn around $2,000. Even for the simplest job, even. Cirakoglu earned nearly $300,000. Cirakoglu believes he can increase that number to $1 million per year.This is an enviable salary for someone who worked in a field that he never was trained in. He is self-taught, and spent four months researching the most difficult cleaning jobs online.Clean up hoarding. #Hoarding #Cleanup (@frissekater), Aug 26, 2018, 8:12 PM PDT Aug 26, 2018, 8:12 PM PDTHe was able to learn everything about how to clean up bodily fluids and what cleaning materials to use. He researched everything himself, from brushes and shovels to disposable overalls and gloves.Cirakoglu found this "weird" and didn't need to undergo any inspection in order to obtain a permit. Only licenses are required for medical waste transport, which cannot be disposed of in regular trash containers. According to the self-made cleaning entrepreneur, there are no other permits and laws.Blood and hazardous airThe work can be extremely dangerous and dirty.Cirakoglu explained how, after someone dies, their remains are left behind for a long time. This causes the body to begin to decay and produce a kind of dust.Hoarding cleanup. #Hoarding #Cleanup (@frissekater), Aug 27, 2018, 12:33 PDT Aug 27, 2018, 12:33 PDTOnce you have started vacuuming or sweeping, you can start to unsettling the dust and blow it into the air."If you inhale it, you are basically inhaling the remains of the deceased person." Vice spoke out to warn that you can contract many diseases from this. Vice also advised that blood can still be contaminated, even if it's from a deceased individual.These types of jobs require customers to pay a premium for their safetyCirakoglu is equipped with special equipment when he is called to task. He has special vacuum cleaners with heavy filters that keep bacteria from getting into the air. This type of vacuum cleaner can also come at a high price, with Cirakoglu estimating that it could cost upwards to $1,600.It is not the extreme situations that the cleaner finds himself in, but what stops him from moving.Hoarding cleanup. #Hoarding #Cleanup (@frissekater), Sep 7, 2018, 1:37 AM PDT Sep 7, 2018, 1:37 AM PDT Sep 7, 2018, 1:37 AM PDT"I find it not shocking that people are being murdered. That's been going on for as long as I can remember. Vice spoke out about what surprised him: the high prevalence of loneliness in the Netherlands and mental health issues in the Netherlands. He also pointed out that this is a stark contrast to the idyllic image of the Netherlands.Cirakoglu said, "You have to ask yourself how someone can be left dead in his own home for five months without anyone being concerned." "It is then that you realize that the Netherlands is one of the most individualistic nations in the world."