Apple removed Unjected from the App Store. Unjected is an app that claims to be a safe place for unvaccinated people to meet in uncensored friendship, business or love. According to the company, Unjected had violated its covid-19 policies. They also tried to circumvent the App Store review process which is in violation of Apple guidelines.AdvertisementAfter being contacted Bloomberg, Apple decided to take action against Unjected. Bloomberg published a report about Unjected that examined how Apple and Google dealt with misinformation regarding the covid-19 vaccine. Apple confirmed that Gizmodo was taken down in an email.Google warned Unjecteds founders of the misinformation in the recently launched social feed. This included false claims from users that vaccines were experimental gene modifiers and microchips for nanotechnology. Google threatened to remove the content if it wasn't deleted. Although the founders agreed to remove the social feed, one said to Bloomberg that they were planning to restore it and make false claims in order to remain under the radar.Unjected sent Gizmodo this email in response to Google and Apple's actions.Unjected stated that the only statement we can make is that we support their medical autonomy and freedom to choose, and that they believe their unjust censorship policies on Google and Apple violate our constitutional rights.Gizmodo reached to Google for comment, but we didn't receive any response by the time this article was published. If we receive a response, please update this blog.Unjected is similar to Tinder. It allows users to create a profile and match with others, chat, and find friendship or romance. Bloomberg reports that the Tinder for anti vaxxers was launched in May, after major dating apps teamed up to encourage people to get vaccinated. People who claim to have been vaccinated were given visibility boosts and a special badge.AdvertisementUnjected is more than love. You can even find services and businesses that share your views on the use of covid-19 vaccines with Unjected.Shelby Thomson, one co-founder of the app, explained to Yahoo that the app allows businesses to post a listing for unvaccinated employees.AdvertisementUnjected also targets people who have had their covid-19 vaccine. The app's description in the Google Play Store claims that some people have suffered adverse effects after being exposed to the vaccine.Gizmodo was told by Apple that safety and security are top priorities in the App Store. Apple revealed that Unjected was initially rejected by the App Store for violating Apple's covid-19 rules. This requires all virus-related apps to provide credible safety and health information from trusted sources. However, the app was later approved by the developers after they made some changes. Apple stated that the violations were reaffirmed by its users after the external statements of the developers and the updates to the app.AdvertisementApple pointed out that Unjecteds founder asked users not to use words such as vaccine, jabbed or microchip to stay under the radar for the company's reviewers. Apple stated that this was a violation its guidelines. It warns developers that if they cheat the system their apps will be removed from the App Store.We need to spread the science and benefits of vaccines at a time when 76.05% are experiencing significant or high levels of community transmission due to falling vaccination rates and the spread the highly contagious Delta variant. Apps that encourage people believe in falsehoods about the covid-19 vaccines are not appropriate for our fight against the virus. These vaccines prevent serious illness, hospitalization and death.