Donald Trump, former US President, leaves Trump Tower in Manhattan, July 19, 2021. James Devaney/GC ImagesA tax agency in Illinois ruled that Trump's Chicago skyscraper had been over-assessed in 2011.Trump was owed $1 million in refunds, but local officials filed a lawsuit against it.The city and other agencies would pay the property taxes, which includes Chicago Public Schools.Check out more stories from Insider's business page.A tax refund of $1million is due to Donald Trump for his Chicago skyscraper. However, local officials are trying stop the issue.A tax agency in Illinois ruled that Trump overpaid his 2011 tax bill. The Cook County Board of Review had incorrectly assessed the value of Trump International Hotel & Tower's rooms, retail space and other property.Trump owes $1.03million to the Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board. This amount would be from property taxes due the city and other government agencies. According to the Sun-Times, Chicago Public Schools would lose about $540,000.Since then, the Cook County State's attorney's has filed a lawsuit in an attempt to stop the refund. Insider was able to reach the State's Attorney's Office, who said they were unable comment on any pending litigation.Continue reading: Where are Trump's White House staff now, Donald Trump? To show the places they all went, we created a searchable database with more than 329 top employees.This dispute is the latest in the ongoing story about Trump's tax in Chicago. For more than a decade, Alderman Ed Burke was Trump's legal counsel. He is the longest serving member of Chicago's City Council. His firm initially filed the tax appeal, arguing that Trump's building was too valuable.Burke, a Democrat helped Trump obtain $14 million in tax breaks for his Chicago skyscraper, before he parted ways with Trump's business in 2018, The Chicago Tribune reported.Burke was arrested later that year by the FBI for racketeering and bribery.Prosecutors claim Burke used his office's power to promote his law firm. This included blocking permits for those who didn't hire him. WTTW reported that he pleaded not guilty to all the charges.Business Insider has the original article.