These bags are perfect for those who overpack. They can organize and store their belongings in a regular suitcase without worrying about them getting damaged. They also get a laundry bag to help them separate dirty clothes from clean clothes.Promising review: I travel often and am very light. I usually only have a small backpack that fits under an airline seat. I brought a rolling suitcase and a carry-on bag for a two-week European cruise. These packing cubes have been a hit twice already. A single cube can hold everything, including clothing, for a three-night trip. It slides easily into my bag, which saves a lot of space. Also, everything is easy to find at the hotel and during travel. It is so much easier to take out one cube and then unzip it than going through a whole pack. These are essential for me to take with me everywhere I go. GuraAmazon has the set for $25.99. It is available in five colors.