AUSTIN (Texas) Country music legend Willie Nelson led over a thousand people in singing "Vote them Out" from the Texas Capitol's steps Saturday during a rally to end a four-day march supporting Democratic state legislators who fled for Washington two weeks ago in order to stop GOP-backed voting restrictions.Family members spread their lawn chairs across the vast expanses of Capitol greens in Austin. Politicians, musicians, citizens, clergy, and politicians all voiced concern about the proposed voter ID requirements, limiting ballot drop boxes and mail voting, as well as plans to strip local officials from their election authority.The special session that was halted by Texas Democrats is due to expire next Wednesday, but Republican Gov. Greg Abbott pledged to schedule another one once the lawmakers return to Texas.Nelson encouraged the crowd to vote out anyone they don't like. He also sang lyrics that he had previously written about taking a stand at a poll box.It was a place I felt called to. It's a historic event that's so important right now, stated Brenda Hanson, 75 of Austin. I am a descendant from slavery, and I don't want to move back. I want this country to go forward. I've lived for over three quarters a century, and I've never seen this country go backwards.Hanson stated that she is disabled, but would still have completed the 30-mile walk. Hanson hoped to make a statement by her presence, chanting support as she sat on a bench beneath a tree.Participants marched up to the Texas Capitol building from Wednesday through Saturday. The march was led by Beto ORourke (an ex-Democratic congressman and presidential candidate who is open to running for Texas governor in 2022). Earlier this week, ORourke and marchers shut down the frontage road of Interstate 35 during the morning rush hour, funneled between restaurants and cut a path from Republican-controlled statehouse districts to Democratic ones.Continue the storyMarchers compared the GOP's measures to prevent fraud and restore confidence in American election results to Jim Crow-style restrictions. No evidence has been found of widespread fraud in 2020's election."I ask you to think of every man and woman who stood firm in their convictions, and did the right thing in their moment of truth in our country's history," ORourke said to the crowd.Supporters of Texas' voting legislation gathered behind the rally at the Capitol Building's front gate, waving signs to support the proposed changes. Republican state senator Bryan Hughes, who authored Senate's version, said to The Associated Press that he was inspired by the rally and decided to meet with supporters to hear their opinions and encourage them to read his piece.Hughes stated that the right to vote is fundamental. Both accessibility and security are essential. This is America. We love free speech. I'm happy to be here, regardless of whether people agree or disagree with my views.Hughes stated that many people have heard generalizations and that he wants to talk with constituents about the specifics of the bill's language.Nearly 2,000 legislators are caught in political turmoil after Abbott cut funding for their salaries in the state budget in a punitive veto line item. This was after Democratic lawmakers walked out of May. If the ongoing special session was not halted by more than 50 Democratic House members, lawmakers could restore funding.The Texas Supreme Court is currently hearing a lawsuit brought by Democrats on behalf legislative staffers. It is not known when the court will make a decision.Renee Conley (52), said that she went to the rally with her daughter. She is opposed to the Texas voting bill. Conley stated that she takes her daughter with her to the polls to learn about the voting process and prepare for the day when she can cast her ballot. Conley stated that she is concerned that her daughter won't have the right to vote when she goes to college if she has only a university ID card.Conley stated that she was here to support her rights. There's no reason to threaten her with losing the right to vote.___Acacia Coronado works as a corps member for Report for America Statehouse News Initiative/Associated Press. Report for America, a non-profit national service program, places journalists in local newsrooms so they can report on undercovered topics.