Scientists warn that Britain could see thousands of Covid deaths annually in the years ahead.According to them, Covid-19 will be spreading like other seasonal viruses to the country, such as influenza. As cold weather forces people inside, the risk of virus transmission increases and case numbers rises. Some cases can even lead to death.This warning comes as Covid cases are expected to stabilize through the summer. However, researchers warn that incidence could increase again in autumn due to a drop in vaccination rates and school return. This could result in a fourth wave of Covid cases this winter, which could be an annual event for many years.Professor Adam Finn from Bristol University said that we will continue to have problems with Covid. Although the virus is not as agile as the influenza virus, it has proven to be more genetically nimble than expected. Covid could be a problem for some time with an annual death rate of thousands to possibly tens or even hundreds of thousands.This was supported by Prof James Naismith (director of the Rosalind Franklin institute in Oxford). We won't see Covid-19 spreading like wildfire. The population will have enough herd immunity to prevent it from spreading like wildfire again.However, things will not go as planned. There will be waves of flu-like illness, I believe. They will kill. But how many? It is hard to estimate, but current Covid deaths are at around 100 per day.A wave that kills only a few thousand people seems to be a good indicator of what you can expect from a winter wave in the future. You might also experience a terrible wave in one year, which could lead to thousands of deaths.Professor Jonathan Ball from Nottingham University stated that he believes the number of Covid deaths will decline as the population's immunity to the disease increases and broadens. However, this does not mean that we will not have many deaths each year. It is unrealistic to assume it will be in the hundreds.Although it could be at first, I believe that the severity of the disease will decline over time due to continued exposure to the virus. This will increase natural immunity.The elderly and seriously ill will likely be the majority of the people who die. This is the same group of people who have died every winter from influenza and other respiratory illnesses. It is not clear if Covid-19 will cause an increase in the number of deaths or just add to the list of diseases that claim lives every year.Finn said that Covid isn't going to cause society to stop. We can reduce the potential problems that covid causes by using vaccines.Prof Martin Hibberd, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, also cautioned. With the rise in antibody prevalence in the UK exceeding 90%, I believe we are at a turning moment in Covid-19. This means we will soon be in the best position possible for vaccine protection, but we still see disease.We will have to deal with this: a new, nasty disease that will continue causing problems. We can take influenza as an example. Even though we have influenza vaccines, there are still approximately 20,000 deaths per year in the UK.Scientists are urging for booster vaccines for those over 50, and for 16- and-17-year-olds to be vaccinated.The possibility that the British population may be more susceptible to flu and other respiratory diseases is another concern. These concerns were highlighted by the Academy of Medical Sciences last month in their report Covid-19: Preparing to the Future.President of the academy, Dame Anne Johnson, stated that this winter will see us mixing in new ways. We can expect to see an increase in flu and other respiratory infections due to these circumstances.