Simone Biles continues to battle the twisties. Simone Biles has been eliminated from the finals of the uneven bars and vault at the Olympics this week. The floor and beam events remain, to use an unfortunate expression.AdvertisementFour-time Olympic gold medalist and 19 time world champion, Biles has lost her ability to see where she is in the air. This is clearly dangerous for a gymnast. Although Biles' mental health issues are often portrayed as a matter of mental health, there can be obvious physical consequences to competing through this. If a mixed martial artist fighter couldn't tell you when he was about get punched in his face, then it would be foolish to ask him to enter the octagon.AND YET.Henry Cejudo is a former UFC champion, and was a gold medalist at the 2008 Olympics in freestyle wrestling. He felt the need for a weigh-in and to make himself known as an asshole.Cejudo stated that she needs to examine herself. This despite not having any idea of his views or knowing him before he entered this situation. There is time for some tough love. This is what I would do if she were my sister. So I wouldn't say anything to anyone that I wouldn't do for my family. Even for me, I believe that sometimes we need a kick in the arse.It is still a mystery how much Biles would need to show love and compassion in order to reduce the chance of catastrophic injury from not knowing where she is at the top of the most difficult moves in gymnastics.Cejudo said that there are two things pressure can do. It could break or make diamonds. It can either burst pipes, or create and make diamonds. It is up to you to decide what to do or how to use it.Yes, that's right. Thank you for reading the back cover to the worst self-help book ever written. This woman, who has four Olympic gold medals and 19 world championships to her credit, as well as a string of incredible acrobatic moves, can surely benefit from this wisdom.AdvertisementYou might also consider quitting.