Telegram announced new features and improvements to its popular messaging app. This time, video is the main focus. These sessions can now boast up to 1,000 viewers after being launched last month via group video calls. According to the company, the maximum number of participants and broadcasters to the video calls is still 30. However, you can now have quite an audience for everything from live lectures to rap battles online.You can also tap the video messages to see a larger version of the message. Telegram now allows you to zoom in on video messages you record with your phone's rear camera.Screen sharing is now possible for one-on-1 video calls with audio from the broadcaster's device. There is also the option to delete messages automatically after a month. The longest option used to be a week, and a more precise drawing. Telegram has updated the user interface with animations to the passcode screen, and when you send messages to Android. iOS users have these animations since an earlier update. Telegrams blog has a complete list of changes.