State data show that Florida has recorded more than 110,000 COVID-19 positive cases in the last week.This is a more than 50% increase compared to last week.These surges are so severe that Florida now accounts for one in five US cases.Insider Healthcare: The latest news and analysis in healthcare. Loading Click Sign up to receive marketing emails and other offers from Insider.According to state health data, Florida's coronavirus cases have increased by more than half in the past week.According to the Florida Department of Health, it has recorded over 110,000 cases between June 23 and June 29. The week before, 73,000 cases were reported.Over the past weeks, Florida has seen an increase in positive coronavirus cases. Florida now has one of five confirmed coronavirus cases in America.Governor. Ron DeSantis has repeatedly criticised mask guidance from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. They last week advised vaccinated persons to wear coveralls indoors.Friday's executive order by DeSantis forbids schools from requiring children to wear masks was signed.He said that the federal government had no right to tell parents that their children must wear a mask in order to attend school.DeSantis made the point during a press conference. He said that he and his wife were "not going to put on the mask with the children."State health data show that vaccinations have increased by around 15% in the last week in tandem with the increase in cases. According to Johns Hopkins University data, approximately 50% of Florida's population are fully vaccinated against COVID-19.Florida is beginning to see some of its worst weeks in history due to the coronavirus pandemic. According to state data, the number of coronavirus cases has increased by at least 5% in the week ending January.