Watch video content at TMZ.comCarole Baskin isn't happy that Joe Exotic could be released early. But, she believes there's something he can do that would warrant his early release. You can find it here!Carole was on Capitol Hill this week and we asked her about Joe's 22-year sentence for murder-for-hire. We were able to get her opinion because of trial error.We reported that Exotic's original sentence was being tossed. Exotic's original sentence has been thrown out and the case will be sent back to a lower court. He'll likely get a shorter sentence of 17-21 years. Exotic was sentenced to 22 years in prison.Joe is a 'Tiger King star' and Carole believes he belongs in prison. However, if Joe really wants to be freed quickly, Carole suggests that he should exonerate anyone who conspired to make Joe pay for it.Play video content 7/14/21 Law Offices of Phillips & HuntWe told you that Joe is optimistic about his return home sooner than expected and that he believes his lawyers will prove him innocent once and for all.Carole thinks Joe could get a light sentence if he snitches. But, she doubts that he will pull off a Tekashi69.