Last update on. From the section OlympicsRio 2016: Fields wins goldBMX rider Connor Fields was seriously injured in Thursday's Olympic semifinal crash.The 28-year old, who won the Olympic title in 2016, was moved from a Tokyo hospital's critical care unit.He's doing well cognitively. He knows his location. He knows his birthday. His father Mike said that he recognizes people." External-linkUSA Cycling stated that there had been no additional bleeding or new injuries.The statement continued, "Fields was moved from the critical care unit. He will remain in hospital until cleared."Las Vegas native, was one of the most popular for gold.After having qualified for the final, the American fell hard in a first corner crash in the third heat of the semifinal.Fields was accompanied by the chief medical officer for the US Olympic Team, USA Cycling's medical team, and coaches to St Luke's International Hospital.What is a brain hemorhage?Headway is a UK charity that provides information and support for people who have suffered head injuries. They define brain hemorhage as "bleeding around or in the brain due to ruptured aneurysms or a major blow to the head."These conditions are diagnosed by a CT scan or MRI scan of your head.According to the organization, brain injuries can be treated quickly and with minimal or no lasting effects if they are caught early enough.