According to an internal presentation at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Delta variant of the virus is more contagious and more likely to penetrate vaccine protections. It may also cause more severe diseases than any other known version.The agency's director, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, admitted Tuesday that people who have been vaccinated against the so-called Delta variant of the virus carry the same amount of virus in their noses and throats as those who are not vaccinated. They may also spread the virus just as easily, if not less frequently.The internal document presents a more detailed and grimmer view of this variant.The Delta variant is more easily transmissible than viruses that cause MERS and SARS and Ebola. According to The New York Times, it is just as contagious and as deadly as chickenpox.According to the document, the next step for the agency was to acknowledge that the war has changed. The Washington Post first reported its contents on Thursday night.