It's a tough competition, but Jared Leto's face is hated more than anyone else on Earth. We can only speculate about the Suicide Squad star's ongoing attempts to completely goof up his features. This pursuit of prosthetic facial junk has also led to the recently released first-look poster of Ridley Scotts new movie House Of Gucci. This dude looks like he was bitten by a radioactive Jeffrey Tambor.AdvertisementJared Leto in House Of Gucci Photo - United Artists Releasing Lady Gaga In House Of Gucci Photo – United Artists Releasing Al Pacino In House Of Gucci Photo — United Artists Releasing Jeremy Irons In House Of Gucci Photo / United Artists Releasing Advertisement Adam Driver in House Of Gucci Photo & United Artists Releasing 1 / 5.The marketing team for Scotts movie deserves kudos. They decided to place Letos photo right in the middle the composite shot of all five leads. This was to prevent an unbalanced arrangement from sending the entire set plunging into the sea. It's not like Lady Gaga or Adam Driver or Jeremy Irons. Al Pacinoas, Patrizia Regigiani, Maurizio Gucci and Rodolfo Gucci aren't too strange here. But none of them can match Letos Paolo Gucci who looks like a high-school senior who has applied old age make up and then forgotten to stop. Half of us expect him to murmur I've got too many shit on my and mutter about how he doesnt like being around anymore.Scott's latest story tells the story about Maurizio Gucci's murder. He was murdered (spoilers), by his ex-wife Patrizia, in 1995. Credit where credit is due: These posters are a great way to sell the dark, strange tone Scott hopes for in his tale of fashion warfare intra-family. Given that the screenplay was adapted from a book subtitled A Sensational Story of Murder, Madness, Glamour, And Greed, we can only guess that Scott is not going to be a sober or stolid ride. House Of Gucci will be released on November 24, 2021. Meanwhile, the trailer for House Of Gucci has jumped to #1 on our Gotta Get a Load of This list immediately.Update at 7:54 pm: The puffy-faced devil has arrived! We are now greeted by the trailer, which comes equipped with Blondie and lots of fancy jackets. Leto's face can be just as distracting in motion images as it is in still photos, as one might expect. Gaga and Driver look truly mesmerizing, but not in a dear God, why kind of way. This suggests that Scotts film may be flashy enough for all the big make-up shenanigans.