Here Are the 5 Major Regions Literally on Fire Right Now

Geologists debate whether to name this era "anthropocene", a period in which humans dominate the earth's evolution and not natural processes.Although it is a valid discussion, I believe we should call it the pyrocene. The flames are defining life on Earth. Particularly in the summer of 2021, there has been an almost endless stream of news about different places on fire. It is now nearly easier to keep track if they are on fire than those that have.Of course, humans have a part to play in these fires. Climate change has made it more likely that large and destructive fires will occur by heating up the environment, drying out trees, and grasses. Some areas, such as the western region of North America have seen forests become overburdened by fuel after a century of suppression of fires. Despite these increasing risks, more people are moving to the forests. The wildland-urban interface is a new world. It's the home of millions. The risk of fires starting has been increased by infrastructure like power lines, which can also ignite in dry and hot conditions.These are the factors that brought about the pyrocene's existence. As this summer has shown, there is no forest that isn't at risk of being ignited. These are some of the most notable fires currently burning.