Rebecca Black has been a world-famous artist for Friday. It was 10 years ago that she introduced herself to the world. The song, which became a viral hit about a child who is excited that the weekend is here, went viral in just 10 years. Since her first song about partyin (partyin! ), Black has been captivated by millions. Black has matured and put her past behind her to make better music. She left a gap in the cultural fabric which has now been filled by Sarah Brand, singer-songwriter, and her single, Red Dress.You won't need to know many words to understand the song if you can watch the whole video. Every bit of Red Dress invites car wreck curiosity, from the off-pitch vocals to a half-assed solo guitar and the group dance in an Oxford Church.AdvertisementBrand confronts the injustices that religion can cause by singing lyrics like, It just isn't me singing about sins, and watching exclusion get its wins. She screams as she sees me in a red dress and hops on the devil fest. They think of lust as they judge in distaste/ What are you doing? Brands music is pop music with sociological introspection that covers topics such as inequality, religious hypocrisy and romance.Red Dress is part avant-garde provocative, a dare that challenges its listeners endurance and forces them to wonder if something so obvious was done without Brand knowing what she was doing. Brand was able to access the church and many extras for a shoot. She directed, choreographed and choreographed it. Any of these collaborators could easily have stopped Brand at any point between the song's conception and its release. They didn't stop her, either because it was a joke or because they were being paid enough to not object.If you'd like to spend the rest of your day contemplating the mysteries surrounding 2021's most thrilling debut, then check out Brands amazing B-side, Fantasy.Email great job tips and internet tips to gji@theonion.com