Rep. Kat Cammack (R. Fla.) distributed a Capitol Police guidance fly Thursday morning that stated: "If a visitor/staff member fails to wear mask after a request has been made, the visitor/staff shall be denied entry to the House office buildings or to the House side."Anyone who refuses to comply with the request or leaves the premises would be subject to an Arrest for Unlawful Entry," the flyer continues.The House Sergeant at Arms Office would report members who violate the mask mandate to them.Cammack tweeted the guidance, arguing that Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Capitol Police were abusing their power to suggest arresting staff members even if they are vaccinated.Drew Hammill, Pelosi deputy chief-of-staff, stated that the Speaker of the House doesn't have control over the U.S. Capitol Police. "Until it was published in the media, we were unaware that the memo [mask-related] was sent."This bulletin is issued at a time when Republicans are already suing the Capitol physician for imposing a mask requirement in the House, even though no face coverings are required in the Senate. As Covid cases increase in the Capitol, especially in the House, the mask requirement was reinstated.Sarah Ferris contributed to the report.