Ylva Anderson works as a coach for teamwork and leadership.She said that the current style of leadership was outdated.She believes everyone should "switch off" every day for 208 second.Insider Careers: Receive weekly job advice, guidance, and insight. Loading Click Sign up to receive marketing emails and other offers from Insider.May Strategies' team and leadership coach, Ylva, believes that we all should "sit down for 208 seconds every day."She said, "I don’t know about you but I’m getting frustrated by today’s organizations and leadership." In a presentation entitled: "Leadership - Are you ready for a decision in 208 Seconds?" ".Coach is positive that the method can be very beneficial to creativity at work, and that it will also change the way that leadership works today.Anderson has been a journalist and editor at many Swedish media companies, including radio, television, and print, for many years.She is also an expert on dynamic communication and is currently involved with leadership training at The School of Journalism and Communication, University of Rwanda.We must change the way we leadAnderson stated that she works with managers from all walks of life, including those from different countries and industries.Coach described their work style as chaotic, disorganized and fast-paced.She claims that managers are rat race prisoners. They work under immense pressure, have no motivation and are exhausted.She believes they are also not very innovative when it comes time to change in leadership.The coach stated that "we're doing more of the same things as we did at the turn 20th century. We're working like we're still in the early industrial age."Anderson says that we must mentally log out for a minimum of 208 seconds or three and a quarter minutes each day. Business Insider PolskaShe also pointed out that we still work according to a pyramid structure. Those in command are at top, while those who are contracted are at bottom. But what can be done to change this way of working.Anderson says that the best tool is "the most powerful of all".She said, "It can transform the world, it could change us, it may bring about unexpected opportunities." It's creativity, the ability to adapt, change, search for new ways, to invent, and to have fun.She believes the pyramid model of leadership and management needs to be replaced with a "circle for creativity" made up of four elements.1. 1.Communication and feedback are where everyone talks and shares ideas, where everyone is open and able to listen without judgement, and where every thought and conclusion are welcome.2. 2. Collaboration and co-creation are not enoughThe expert suggested a new method of making decisions that combines responsibility and decision-making.3. Training is key to managementAnderson says that this is not just about the bosses teaching their employees; it's about us all learning from each other.She said, "We should work together to elevate each other up to the highest levels."4. 4.Our brains are not suited for the fast, chaotic, and stressful lives we lead. Anderson stated that in order to be creative, we need to take time to reflect and pause.Anderson says that "turning off" your brain during the day is key to creativity. Her suggestion is to "log out" mentally for 208 seconds or three and a quarter minutes.Anderson stated, "If you set aside 208 seconds per day, or three and a quarter minutes each for a rest, silence, and focus, you will notice a huge difference." Anderson said that those three and a quarter minutes can yield real results.She said, "The next time that you feel stressed out before making a decision about something, don't put pressure on yourself." Instead, take a step back to give yourself the 208 seconds. You'll be able to see the difference.