Brooks claimed that he wore body armor to Trump’s Jan. 6 rally, because he had been tipped off two days earlier about "risks".Because of the warning, he chose to sleep in his office rather than his condo.It is not known from whom he received the warning and whether he shared it with other legislators.10 Things in Politics: Keep up to date with the most recent political and economic news. Loading Something is loading. Click Sign up to receive marketing emails and other offers from Insider.Republican lawmaker Mo Brooks claimed that he wore body armour to Donald Trump's rally at Ellipse on January 6. He said that he was warned about the risks in the days before the event.Brooks said that he was warned Monday (Jan. 4) about possible risks in the coming days." Jim Newell, Slate's political writer, told Brooks."And because of those warnings I didn't go to my condo. Instead, I slept on my office floor. "And when I gave my speech to the Ellipse at the Ellipse I was wearing body armour," added the Alabama Congressman.He continued, "That's why i was wearing that nice little Windbreaker." "To cover up my body armor."Brooks did not warn other legislators of the "risks". Brooks declined to identify the person Brooks had warned.Brooks spoke out about the House Select Committee's investigation into the Capitol riot. He said that the committee's goal is not to find truth but "to create propaganda that may be used for the elections in 2022 or perhaps 2024," Brooks stated to Slate.Brooks said that the committee should instead investigate intelligence failures that led to the Capitol Riots, Newell stated to CNN's Anderson Cooper.Brooks is currently facing a lawsuit by Eric Swalwell. Swalwell claims Brooks incited violence at Capitol by inciting protestors to "start taking Down Names and Kicking Ass."The Department of Justice refused to defend him, claiming that the rally was not an official work obligation.Insider reached out to Swalwell and Brooks for comment but they did not respond immediately.