Some of these rocks formed the asteroid belt by settling into the space between Mars and Jupiter. The majority of the material is thought to be similar chunks of inactive rocks that have failed to form new planets.There are also two objects, 203 Pompeja or 269 Justitia.They orbit between 2.7 and 2.5 times the Earth's sun distance. This puts them well within the asteroid belt. At 70 miles in diameter, 203 Pompeja appears structurally intact. 269 Justitia is only 35 miles away and likely a fragment from a previous collision. Both orbits are stable and circular, which means they must have settled in this space many years ago.They also have a unique color. The inner solar system objects reflect more blue light as they lack organic material such as carbon and methane. However, the outer solar system objects are brighter because they contain a lot of organics.Michal Marsset, co-author of the paper, stated that organics can only be formed if there is a lot of ice on the surface. They must have formed in very cold conditions. These complex organics are then created by solar radiation of the ice.These two rocks are, it turns out, extremely red, more so than any other asteroid belt rock. Although there are hints of red asteroids, these two seem to be the only ones.