Although wishing for things won't make them happen, a shift in our Covid-19 mindset can help us to face the virus head-on over the coming months. It is important to remember that winning over Covid-19 will not be easy. However, both the public and government need to discuss how they will define victory and when we'll know when we have achieved it. It will begin with acknowledging that it is not in our power to eradicate Covid-19 from America the same way as we did polio or to vaccine every American against the disease. We might be able to start to win if we could agree on a common goal to dramatically reduce the severity of the disease and the deaths caused by it.Instead of dwelling on the fact that only 49 percent of eligible U.S. citizens (age 12 and above) have been fully vaccinated, we should be proud of the fact we have made Covid-19 and death from Covid-19 virtually impossible. Anthony Fauci says that the vaccines can even be used against new strains of flu, which many people worry about. The percentage of Americans who have received a Covid-19 vaccine within the last seven months is higher than those who were vaccinated during the 2017-18 flu pandemic (37 percent of adults). Six years after the introduction of the Salk polio vaccine, only 54% of Americans had received it. These angles show that Americans are not particularly vaccine-hesitant in 2021.Let's keep spreading vaccination appeals to the public. The more we vaccinate, we are safer today and there will be fewer dangerous variants tomorrow. Let's not pretend that everyone can vaccinate just by turning up the heat. There is ample evidence to show that many people will not vaccinate in a free society. Lockdowns and mask edicts won't change this.A better understanding of the reasons why many people refuse vaccination is essential to any adjustment to our Covid-19 mentality. Age seems to be a factor in the opposition to vaccination, whether it is passive or aggressive. The number of older people who visit their doctors is higher than that of their younger counterparts, particularly those over 65. A doctor's or hospital visit is a major social event for them. They are so used to being poked and bled, that receiving a Pfizer bolus in their upper arms is almost as exciting as a blood pressure check. They have taken to the vaccine like none other in the country. Amazingly, 91 percent of adults aged 65-74 have received at least one dose. They were urged by their friends to get it. They trust their doctors, and they have been urged by their doctors to vaccinate. They also took it because they learned the lesson from Covid-19's deadlines. About 80 percent of those who are killed by Covid-19 in America are over 65. You might have lost a loved one to the virus. A further indicator of an older person's comfort with vaccines is the fact that nearly 68 percent of those aged 74-85 have received the pneumonia vaccine at minimum once.This decline in vaccine consumption is reflected in the fact that people age more slowly. Only 76% of those aged 50-64 have received at least one dose. 66% of those aged 40-49 had taken at least one dose. 66% of the 40-49 group has done so. 56% of those aged 25-39 took at least one dose of Covid-19. 56 percent of those aged between 50-64 have taken at minimum one dose. 52 percent for 18-24, 48 percent for 16-17, and 37% for 12-15. These two younger age groups were the first to be approved for the vaccine. In the flu data over the past decade, the same age-related pattern emerged: Older people took the flu vaccine faster than younger people. If we can create a Fountain of Aging, it would be possible to increase vaccine rates by prematurely ageing all of our younger population members to 65.It is easy to deplore the decision of the under-65 population to avoid vaccination and put others at danger. Their decision is not completely rational from a selfish perspective. As long as they don't have any comorbidities like diabetes, obesity or hypertension, the virus can exploit with devastating consequences. They seem to be able to accept and understand the risks of Covid-19, that is until they are infected and hospitalized. The 50-64 age group has contributed the highest number of Covid-19 deaths to the morgue in the last month. This is partly due to many of their having resisted the vaccine. Age is a key reason why vaccination rates have slowed and are unlikely to increase, particularly among those aged 19-49, who many feel immortal. It also helps to explain why the death rate has fallen from its 2021 peak in recent weeks. Most of those who are most vulnerable have taken the vaccine and have been vaccinated.Although we can still make significant progress in terms of vaccination rates, we should not set too high expectations. According to the New York Times analysis, 70 percent of the country will have received at least one shot if the current pace is maintained. It will be difficult to surpass 70 percent before those below 12 years old, who account for 15 percent of the country's population, have been approved for the shot. Even then, we might not see 70 percent. Children have high vaccination rates, but only 66% of 2-year-olds have received all seven recommended childhood vaccines. They also have no control over the matter. So don't expect a huge number of Covid-19-vaccinated children.We should all be aware that many people have misunderstood what the vaccines can do. Many people misunderstood what vaccines could do to accomplish what they wanted. Your body is not transformed into a sterilizing chamber to extinguish the virus. They do nothing. All they did and all their makers claimed was that they activated your immune system to fight the Covid-19 infection. The vaccines will not prevent you from getting the disease. They will only dramatically increase your chance of avoiding illness, avoiding ventilators, and avoiding death. They knew from the start that breakthrough infections were possible. They never claimed that vaccines would stop the spread of the disease. Although they didn't achieve miracles, they did provide a miracle. One that could be even more amazing if there were more people willing to do the same.Policymakers and civilians need to examine what we know about Covid-19, and determine a threshold for the level of Covid-19 contagion we are willing to accept. The toleration level should be set at a level that doesn't cause hospital collapse? It should look like the recent weeks level mortality rate which would translate to approximately 90,000-165,000 annual Covid-19 deaths. This death rate would be similar to the 2017-18 flu season when 810,000 people were hospitalized and 61,000 died. Although each flu death was terrible and each hospitalization difficult, it didn't result in panic or lockdowns.It won't be easy to set a reasonable tolerance point for Covid-19. No one wants to be the guy that says, It's regrettable but okay that so many people die. But it is coming. We cannot hide in our burrows forever.******Toleration points can be sent to [email protected]. My email address is post-Moderna. My Twitter feed took the herbal route. My RSS feed was vaccinated with the Cuban communist vaccine.