As you prepare to give birth, you might take a childbirth class, practice patterned breathing, and pack a hospital bag. You might also consider starting to massage your perineum - the area of skin between your vaginal opening and anus.

To put it simply, perineal massage is massaging the perineum. You can do this yourself, or your partner can do it for you. The massage helps stretch and relax your perineal tissue prior to childbirth.

What are the benefits of perineal massage?

An AAFP-published review found that perineal massage decreased the likelihood of having an episiotomy for women who had never given birth before, and that regardless of whether they'd given birth before, women who practiced perineal massage were less likely to report postpartum perineal pain.

Before beginning a perineal massage, wash your hands! Then, the American Pregnancy Association suggests finding a comfortable position in which you can reach your perineum, for example, sitting in bed with your knees bent, squatting against a wall or on a stool, or standing with one leg up on a stool, chair, or the toilet. If a partner is massaging you, you can sit facing them with your legs draped over theirs.

Next, pour about a teaspoon of perineal massage gel on your fingers and apply it to the perineum. Then, insert your thumbs or fingers about an inch inside the vagina, pressing down gently towards the anus and then pulling your fingers apart and out to the sides. Hold this position and relax your muscles a few times during the massage. You'll feel pressure, and you may also feel some stretching or burning during the first week or two. Continue for about five minutes, reapplying gel as needed and changing position if you get uncomfortable.

Remember, different healthcare professionals may have different recommendations on the details, so check with yours before you begin.
