Spotify's new live audio app, Spotify Greenroom (a Clubhouse competitor), has a long road ahead if it wants top social audio platforms such as Airtime, Spoon, and Clubhouse. It also needs to compete with top social networks like Twitter and Facebook. According to Sensor Tower data, the Greenroom app has been downloaded only 141,000 times so far on iOS. This includes the downloads of its previous iteration, Locker Room, an app Spotify purchased to move into live audio.Google Play data on Android indicates that the app was installed more than 100,000 times. Sensor Tower is unable to confirm this number.Sensor Tower reports that Clubhouse has 30.2 million total downloads today, with 18.7 million on iOS.Airtime is another top-rated audio app with 11.4 Million iOS Installs (includes Android); and Spoon with 7.6 Million iOS Installs out of a total 27.3 Million.The popularity of international apps such as Chinas Lizhi and UAEs Yalla is huge. This app has 29.5+million total installs but is only available on iOS.Other newcomers have also managed to stake smaller claims within the social audio space. These include Fishbowl (7599,000 total installations), Cappuccino (4497,000 installs), Riff (3339,000 installs), and Sonar (154,000 installeds).Spotify Greenrooms launched last month. However, it seems that they have only attracted a fraction of Spotifys larger user base. This now stands at 365 million monthly active Spotify users.Sensor Tower reports that the majority of Greenrooms installations, around 106,000, occurred after Greenrooms official launch from July 16, 2021 to July 25, 2021. The app ranks No. 12 in terms of Greenrooms installs. 12 among social audio apps. This follows Tin Can which has received 127,000 downloads since its launch in March.Greenroom has taken over Locker Rooms' install base. Some of Greenrooms total iOS installations (141K), included downloads that took place while the app was Locker Room. However, this number is quite small. Sensor Tower estimates that Locker Room received only 35,000 iOS downloads. This includes the period from October 26, 2020, the month that the sports chat app was launched to the public, up to the day before Greenrooms debut (July 15 2021).It is important to note that downloads do not equal registered users and have a much smaller number of active users. Many people download an app to test it out, then either abandon it soon after downloading it or forget to open it.This means that the actual number of Greenroom users is likely to be much lower than these numbers indicate.Spotify did not comment on estimates from third parties.Sensor Tower examined the competition between social audio apps in the app stores. However, Spotify's presence in the live market for audio will not be limited to standalone apps.Other tech platforms, such as Facebook (Live Audio Rooms), Twitter(Spaces), Discord, Stage Channels, and trading app Public, have also integrated social audio into their apps. This comparison to Greenroom is impossible as these companies have yet to reveal how many active users engage with live audio.Greenroom is still a relatively new app, so don't count it out. Greenroom is still a new app and will catch up with other apps if all goes well. The market for live audio seems to be growing despite the Covid lockdowns that prompted all of this socializing.It will be interesting to see whether Spotify succeeds or fails with live audio. This is due to the potential for the company's streaming music app to cross-promote live audio events, live audio shows, and artist-produced content. Greenroom's future programming plans are still unclear.Spotify acquired Locker Room maker Betty Labs. The company announced that it will be releasing programmed content related music, culture and entertainment. The company also created a Creator Fund that will help the app generate new content.Spotify has not yet provided any incentive for users to visit Greenroom.During its Q2 2021 earnings the company explained why. It stated that it first had to stabilize Greenroom for a Spotify-sized audience. This is why the company soft-launched it in June. Spotify has not yet provided any details, but it stated that there would be more tie-ins to the main Spotify app.Daniel Ek, Spotify CEO, stated that we will leverage our existing Spotify distribution. He said that this is a great way for us to experiment, learn and iterate much faster than if our main app integration was complete.