Since the removal of mandates to vaccinate people earlier in spring, it has been difficult to determine when and when to wear a face mask. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued new mask guidance on Tuesday. It recommended that people who live in high COVID-19 transmission areas start to mask indoors. The CDC has also changed its guidance regarding masks for schools, advising that both children and staff should wear masks.AdvertisementWe wanted to find out how public health professionals in different situations thought about hiding from their patients, even before the CDCs recent shift in guidance. With the delta variant rising and vaccination rates lagging, Recently, we spoke with Seema Yasmin (a Stanford-based journalist), Martha Whyte (a Louisiana health official) and Jessie Abbate (an infectious disease doctor in Montpellier France, where COVID-19 rates have the highest. They all agreed that the best way to prevent disease is to get as many people vaccinated as possible. However, masks can still be vital. These interviews were edited for clarity and condensed.AdvertisementAdvertisementJulia Craven: What are they hiding in their own lives, Julia?Seema Yasmin says: If there wasn't a delta variant, I wouldn't be masking in many places that I am masking. But context is what drives my decision-making. What's my situation? Which type of situation do I find myself in? Am I indoors? Outdoors? Is there anyone around? Is there nobody around? I don't wear a mask if I am indoors with people I know are fully vaccinated.AdvertisementThis is what factors in. It's the same thing as last year when it was time to calculate: How often am I willing to visit the grocery store once a week? Oh! Cases have dropped in my county and my city in just the last week. I may go back to the grocery store once more.The mental calculations we make constantly have been one of the most exhausting aspects of the past 18 months.Martha Whyte: We have witnessed Louisiana experience a fourth surge in the past few weeks. From 200 cases per week to 5,000 cases per day, our case rates in Louisiana have increased from 200 to 300 each week. On average, we now see 3,500 cases per day. As a result, hospitalizations have increased as well as the number people who are vaccinated after breakthrough cases. The number of unvaccinated patients who are hospitalized is much higher. Unvaccinated people account for 94 percent to 98 percent percent of those who are hospitalized and 97-98 percent of those who are sick. Although it is important to be vaccinated, we are experiencing a surge in vaccinations.AdvertisementAdvertisementEven though I had completed my vaccination series, I didn't stop masking. This was mainly because I was aware of how many people were not vaccinated. I felt that I had to set an example for others, more than just protect myself. If I am in a meeting with five people, and they are closing a door in small rooms, then we should wear masks. I will wear my mask if there are a lot of people at a large store. If I am around people who have all been vaccinated, and can maintain a decent social distance, then my mask is not necessary. My floor is 100 percent vaccinated. We don't mask unless we are closing the door together in a room.AdvertisementJessie Abbate says that I don't mask outside as we have seen that transmission can be much higher indoors. But, if I am inside, yes. Even outdoors, if I am around people I don't know or have sustained contact with them, I will wear a mask. Many people aren't vaccinated, and vaccines don't work 100% of the time. Everyone should conceal whether they have been vaccinated.AdvertisementIs it a good idea to have mask mandates?Yasmin, I am worried about the impact of communication failures and universal mask mandates on how people view vaccines. These mandates need to be communicated carefully. If you already have division and people don't know who to trust in regards to science and messaging about COVID, it will only fuel that confusion and mistrust.AdvertisementIt is important to communicate more clearly that this has to do the transmissible delta variant and that there has been an increase in daily COVID cases in the U.S. in the past four weeks. Although it sounds obvious, we have not always made clear the possibility that a mask mandate might be required in certain areas. It is important to reiterate the message about the delta variant. The vaccine is still very protective against it, but the protection is a little less.Abbate: I'm not sure what the Biden administration meant by saying that you can stop using masks if you get vaccinated. Until then, no one was protected. They might have done this to encourage people to get vaccinated. That is not wise. Everybody should wear a mask until they have all been immunized. This will reduce the spread of variants.AdvertisementIndoor dining is still a viable option, even though you must take off your mask to eat.Whyte: Indoor dining is difficult. If you're waiting in line or if you're coming into the restaurant to greet the sweet host, you should wear a mask. My server will always come to me wearing a mask. We know they are in high-risk situations and we respect them. We have seen outbreaks among the servers, but not so severe that they spread to others who ate at the restaurant. They should be protected, I think. To protect themselves, they wear masks. When they approach you at the table, your mask should be on.AdvertisementYou should request enough table space when you are sitting down to eat. This will allow you enough room to remove your mask and keep you and your companions safe. Enjoy your meal. Then, take your mask off and go about your business. It's easy. It's not too much to ask and it will help protect those who take care of you.AdvertisementAdvertisementWhat about children at school?Whyte: It's funny. Superintendents were worried that children might have trouble with masking, but our children did not. Adults were shocked to see so many children wearing masks. But it wasn't a problem for them. My friend who works with me had her little niece get a complete set. She could choose what she liked. She wouldn't leave the house without her mask. They didn't find it a problem. Yes, I believe masking should be done in schools. This should also include social distancing, then good contact traceing. This is how we were able to control the spread of the pandemic in our schools.AdvertisementDo we need to stockpile N95s in order to travel?Whyte says that the CDC has never recommended N95s to the general public. It is still my belief.Yasmin, I think back to last year when these conversations took place. Because I was employed at CDC, I had my fitness tested. So now I know that regular N95 won't fit me. If you see someone with a beard wearing N95s, it is obvious that they are not offering a seal.AdvertisementIt is common to have conversations about masks and the masks. What type of mask is this? Is it comfortable? Are you able to put it on? We neglect to mention all the other factors that go into a person's decision about the mask, including the material and straps. Many of those things are not directly related. It is people's beliefs and how they feel about government. It is what their friends and family are telling them. It's complex.AdvertisementWhat do you think about the new CDC guidance. What is the greatest challenge in getting people to follow this guidance?Whyte: People need to wear masks indoors, whether they are vaccinated or not. People who are not vaccinated need to be vaccinated. However, they cannot wear masks outside their homes unless they are socially distant or in an office. No one should have been wearing masks, vaccinated or not. Unvaccinated people were not allowed to wear masks, but they have. We are now asking people to cover up, because they did the right thing. They don't like the idea of losing that freedom.Not only is it important to protect the unvaccinated but also to prevent variants from developing.