Dear Sophie is back with another edition. This advice column answers questions related to immigration and working for technology companies.Sophie Alcorn, a Silicon Valley immigration lawyer, said that your questions are crucial to the spreading of knowledge that allows people around the world to reach their goals and overcome borders. I'd love to answer any questions you have about Silicon Valley, whether you are a founder, people ops or looking for a job.Extra Crunch members have access to Dear Sophie columns weekly; use promo code ALCORN for a 50% discount on a one-year or two-year subscription.Dear SophieMy startup is in dire need of talent and has a lot of H-1B applicants. They are looking for H-1B transfer and green cards. What can we do?Baffled by the Bay AreaDear BaffledYes, it is important to sponsor international talent in order to obtain green cards. Listen to my podcast to learn how to sponsor international talent for green cards.Professionals are being forced to negotiate higher compensation packages due to the severe shortage of talent in tech. Companies are also increasingly using green card sponsorship to attract and retain international talent.Green card sponsorship is a benefitTo remain competitive, companies must offer sponsorship for green cards. Envoys 2021 Migration Trends Report revealed that 74% of employers have said they have sponsored a person for permanent residence (a Green Card). This is the highest percentage Envoy has ever asked in its annual survey. Employers are not waiting to sponsor H-1B visa holders for green cards, but 58% say they will start the process with their employees in the first year of employment. 96% of employers agree that international talent is an important part of their talent acquisition strategy.Companies can sponsor international talent to obtain a green card. This is a way to show that they care about their employees and will make a commitment to them for the long-term. Employers may also offer to pay for spouses and children's green card applications, or work permits for spouses.Employers may also want to consider third-party payment for employees who are married-based green card holders. This is especially important since they take about one-third the time and require a third of the investment as compared with employment-based greens cards. Additionally, most marriage-based green card holders are not subject to annual caps.Transfers to H-1B are the most popular right nowMost employers hire international talent already here on H-1B visas sponsored by an employer, as most U.S. consulates and embassies abroad are closed for routine visa processing because of COVID-19. An employer must file an H-1B transfer application for the potential employee in these cases. For more information on H-1B transfers, take a look at the Dear Sophie column.Employers ask me the following questions about H-1B transfers: