Blunt, who was reeling from the Delta variant's surging state variant, praised President Joe Bidens efforts on Covid. However, Blunt said that he thinks he is generally doing a great job. It would be better for us if the CDC were more transparent about all of their numbers.The party's former President Donald Trump is still the party's most important figure. However, his attentions are mainly on grievances that have nothing to do with the pandemic. House Republicans are sending mixed messages across the Capitol and are less likely to get vaccinated. The Senate GOP is now trying to convince their voters to get the vaccine. They are worried that the spiraling rates of infection in their home states could worsen as the country attempts to return to normalcy.The majority of Republican-leaning states are behind Democratic-leaning states when it comes to vaccination rates. States like Alabama and Missouri lead the charge in hesitancy. So, most Senate Republicans are trying fill the gap by using their national platforms. Democrats view their efforts as too late and helpful.Senator Mitt Romney (Republican from Utah) stated that the Republican conference did not meet to discuss stepping up vaccination outreach. He noted that McConnell, Blunt and other vocalists have been speaking out for months. Romney acknowledged that there is an organic effort by his colleagues to promote vaccinations. The Delta variant is now available, and it could cause another significant spike in the country. This will have major implications.I find it absurd that this would be a political issue. Romney stated that this is an issue that keeps people alive. "I support life, and not only for the unborn. It is for the living. "I don't want people to die."@CDCgov has updated its mask guidance to recommend indoor mask-wearing in areas with high transmission rates to stop the spread of the Delta variant.I don't want to return to wearing masks inside. I know you don't either. Get the vaccine. pic.twitter.com/VI0cPV5WDA Sen. Lisa Murkowski (@lisamurkowski) July 27, 2021In the last 24 hours, it became more obvious that their party was accelerating its efforts to counter conservative vaccine skeptics. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R.Alaska), released a video in which she argued that the vaccine is the only way to eliminate masks. Sen. Richard Burr, R.N.C., issued an urgent statement encouraging everyone to get their shots.Some Senate Republicans are not pushing for higher vaccination rates. Ron Johnson (R.Wis.), has made public doubts about them. He released a statement in which he questioned the effectiveness of masks to stop Covid transmission. The GOP senators are now speaking out louder to warn that it may be more difficult to persuade their constituents if they require masks to be vaccinated.They do however want to sell people home to end the pandemic.Now, we have more clinical data about these vaccines than any medication that everyone takes every day. Burr stated that there shouldn't be anyone who says that this vaccine was rushed or doesn't know its function. The vaccine is well-known.According to a source familiar, McConnell in Kentucky is planning a five-figure radio advertising campaign on more than 100 stations across his state. This effort is just the beginning of a larger effort to increase the Bluegrass States' vaccination rates. McConnell, a polio survivor and a prominent advocate for vaccinations on the Republican Side, references his childhood condition in the new ads.Every American should benefit from this miracle and get vaccinated. McConnell claims that it is the only way we can defeat Covid in the ads. According to POLITICO's script, McConnell said so. Reuters reported first that McConnell would use campaign money to run the ads.The GOP approach is very different from the Democrats. Republicans accept that not all people in their states will be vaccinated at rates comparable to those in New England or the West Coast. They claim that mandates for vaccine and mask use will not work in the South or the middle of the country.House Speaker Nancy Pelosi isn't impressed by the Senate GOP's vaccine messaging or McConnells latest ads.I'm glad he did those ads. It was long overdue. This was obvious and so obvious. Pelosi suggested Wednesday that they might be facing... political backlash. The Republican Party is clearly not embracing science.Many Senate Republicans have criticised the Biden administration's new guidelines for everyone vaccinated to wear a mask at certain times. They believe it is counterproductive in trying to convince people not vaccinated in red states. Murkowski stated that it wasn't a positive sign for her state, once at the forefront of vaccination rates. However, she said it was a good sign.I don't want people to be discouraged by news like this. Some may say that there is no proof vaccines work. Murkowski stated. We are dealing with a population looking for excuses to not get the vaccine.Even though new Capitol Hill guidance recommended but not requiring the use of masks in the Senate, Democrats were more likely than Republicans that Wednesday to wear masks and less likely to criticize Biden's guidance. Many Republican senators declined to be vaccinated, or have not yet stated whether they were vaccinated. Their inoculation rates are still much higher than that of House Republicans.Some Republican senators will use their microphones whenever they have the opportunity to talk about vaccine safety. Others take a different approach. Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) stated that a heavy-handed approach will not work in his state. He prefers to use a gentler approach in convincing his constituents.I said that I decided to get vaccinated as I believed the vaccines were very efficient, and we have young children at home. Hawley stated that he tries to personalize the experience. He said that the idea of going door-to-door makes people believe they will be forced to make a decision by the government.Others are more conservative than they are. Although he endorsed his vaccination immediately after he received it in the winter, Senator Marco Rubio (R.Fla.), said that there are limitations to the government's ability to do so. He said that he promotes vaccines whenever he can, but he also stated that it is ultimately up to individuals and not the government to provide them.It is not our job as government officials to make people do things that they don't want to do. Rubio stated that our job is to inform people about the facts and what we have done. They decide if they want to get vaccinated. It is not something I believe people will do, regardless of what.Heather Caygle contributed to the report.