The police report from nearby Cleveland Heights dated July 1, 2010, is not sealed. According to the report Miller got into an argument with unknown people just before 2 AM at a hookah bar. The incident ended outside of a nearby apartment building. Miller claimed that he was not striking anyone, but he struck the door. A second officer responding to the scene used his belt and made a tourniquet before Miller was taken to hospital. Miller was getting ready for surgery when I arrived at my hospital. The officer issued Miller a citation, misdemeanor criminal mischief for breaking the window. According to court records, Miller pleaded not guilty to the minor misdemeanor charge for disorderly conduct two and a quarter months later.Miller said to the Post that everyone makes mistakes growing up. Miller told the Post in 2018 that everyone makes mistakes growing up. Miller said that he would be able to discredit all of this when we spoke by telephone in April. He said that a congressman can't run on his record and that he would choose to smear Gonzalez. It is exactly what it is. I don't think Congressman Gonzalez could attack me for my record on policy. He knows that if he were to attack President Trump, it would not be because I don't have oneit. What are you going try to do? He'll try to use the things I had as a teenager.Gonzalez cannot attack me for my record in policy. Max MillerMiller was 21 when the incident occurred outside of the Cleveland Heights hookah bars.He was 22 years old when he was arrested for operating a vehicle with unreasonable control and OVIoperating vehicle impaired. This is the state's equivalent to a DUI. This is a transgression that was not reported before.A Miami University police report states that Miller caused significant damage to the front end of a silver Jeep Laredo after he crashed into a light post in the parking lot of a campus-hotel. In his report, Miller's bloodshot eyes, odor of alcohol, and red bruise on his forehead were all noted by the responding officer. According to the report, Miller nearly fell to the ground after he struggled to get out of his car. The time was 8:55 AM. Miller said that he had drunk two to three drinks and had several shots the night prior and woke up with urine-soaked pants. The OVI charge was dropped by prosecutors and Miller pleaded guilty in the misdemeanor of failure to control.Zukerman, Miller's attorney, stated in his letter that a blood test proved that Mr. Miller wasn't impaired. He stated that Mr. Miller was in a one-car accident and suffered concussions. Mr. Miller wants the 16th District of Ohio residents to know that he is human and has been convicted for a minor traffic offense.People who knew Miller at the time said that Miller tried to change his ways. Allie Rini Kainec, a close friend from high school, said to me that he must have my back. She said that she believed that the work he did for himself at that time would make him a better leader. He made many mistakes. A man who knew him at this stage in his life said that he had reformed his life. Sam Zimmer said that he had once met me and was trying to clean up his act.People from Shaker Heights knew Miller and saw him working in a Lululemon shop selling high-end fitness gear. Miller joined the Marines on December 2, 2013. According to the Marines Miller was a corporal and rifleman who did not deploy and received no personal awards. He was transferred from the Selected Marine Corps Reserve (SMR) to Individual Ready Reserve on December 9, 2019.I was shocked to learn that he was joining the Marines. A Shaker Heights classmate told me. It was kind of like, "Oh, is this going in the right direction to bring his life back together?" said another. A male friend told me that he joined the military and got his life together.Miller had a chance to get a fresh start in the presidential campaign's bottom rung during the summer 2015. Not TrumpsMarco Rubios. It was due to a family connection.One of the Rubios early shot callers needed someone who could drive the Florida senator to Chicago for a policy speech the first week in July. This person said that there was a lot of candidates at the time and that experienced staffers at all levels were scarce. He asked around at the small headquarters of the campaigns, asking if anyone knew anybody from the Midwest. He recalls Eli Miller, the campaigns deputy finance chief, talking up.I got a cousin.