Krispy Kreme created an Xbox doughnut. This fluffy doughnut was created in partnership with Microsoft and will be available at Krispy Kreme shops, cabinets and online throughout the UK and Ireland between August 2nd to August 22nd.Although the doughnuts will not come with CPUs, GPUs or SSDs in them, you may be able win this type of hardware by winning an Xbox Series S. Krispy Kreme is also giving out Microsoft's latest mini Xbox. To be eligible for the prize, you will need to buy 12 of the Xbox doughnuts. Krispy Kreme will also include one month of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate with each dozen doughnuts.Welcome to the next generationWe are now... The Nexus Level DoughnutComing Soon https://t.co/UVteHkCnjT@xboxuk #KrispyKremeXbox pic.twitter.com/Xf3hRuKybw Krispy Kreme UK (@krispykremeUK) July 28, 2021The Nexus Level is the name of the doughnut. It is decorated with the Xbox Nexus logo and dipped in icing. A single doughnut will cost 2.10 cents (nearly $2), while a dozen doughnuts will run you 14.45 cents (roughly $20).Krispy Kreme even made a fun marketing video featuring Kristina Kareem, a creative director, and Xavier Boxell, a quality assurance guru.