Do Olympics 3-on-3 basketball needs to be fixed? According to me, the answer is yes. I've spent many hours playing pickup basketball over the years, in smaller-group settings very similar to those I saw in Tokyo. I have opinions about this new Olympic sport and how it could be improved. My 3-on-3 basketball experience is casual and loose. The formalized version played in Tokyo should be more true to the spirit of the game. I have compiled a list of nine problems with Olympic 3-on-3 basketball, which the International Olympic Committee calls 3x3. This is in the hope that someone will fix them in 2024.1. 1.In 3x3 basketball, the first thing to fix is the name or, more specifically, the dumb x in its middle. As James Naismiths last wish, everyone knows that 3x3 is three-on-3 basketball. 3x3 gives the impression that the game is played in the truck bed of an extremely strange trucker. Worse, it makes it appear like organizers are trying to convey that this is an xtreme form of basketball. This could be as seen in a Mountain Dew commercial. This infernal x is leading us down a slippery slope, where players will eventually have to Do the Dew whenever they score a basket. This madness must be stopped before it gets too late. Someone needs to change the name.2. It should be a game of "make-it-take-it".Insofar that possession is transferred when a basket has been scored, the scoring system in the Olympics 3-on-3 matches regular basketball's. It isn't 3-on-3 basketball, though it sounds great. According to the old open gym rules, 3-on-3 should be played on a "make-it-take-it" basis. The scoring team keeps possession of the ball after each made basket. It makes it easier for teams and individuals to score runs. The good teams can also crush the spirit of those who are not as talented, which is why the Olympics exist. It's also fun to say. You can make it take-it! It's possible to make it take-it!3. 3. Players should not call in fouls.Two referees are required for every Olympics 3-on-3 basketball match. This is too many, I think. Pickup basketball should be played according to the 1972 YMCA Accords rules. The games would be more enjoyable if players were required to call their fouls and argue with each other over whether it was or not. This change would allow viewers to easily identify the whiniest and most annoying players on each team.4. The players should be pushed off the court every now and again by another Olympic sport that requires the use of the gym.As I know pickup basketball, it is played with an inherent sense if urgency. Because you are always afraid that someone will want to play another dumber sport, and take over the gym, If the IOC double-booked the 3-on-3 Olympic games with badminton, it would add some fun to the Olympic 3-on-3 matches. Imagine how much fun it'd be to see the badminton players standing on the sidelines with their hands on their hips and staring at the basketball players as they violate their reservation. Imagine the drama that would ensue if the badminton players just set up their nets. This bizarre stalemate would lead to a hybrid sport. Coming to the Olympics 2052: 3x3 Basketminton5. 5.If a player is injured, they must draft another person from the sidelines.Each Olympic 3-on-3 team is composed of four players. One substitute plays during the game. This is against the spirit of 3-on-3 basketball. A player who is tired or goes down should be replaced by their team. This could be done by drawing someone from the sidelines. Maybe one of the glowering badminton players could step in as a substitute.6. 1. One player should wear jeans and the other should wear Crocs.Pickup basketball is a game where you choose your team based on who's there at any given time. It's not unusual to find that a guy wearing a tuxedo can hit the corner 3 all day. However, it would make 3-on-3 much more enjoyable if some players were allowed to wear non-standard athletic clothing. Therefore, I propose that at least one 3-on-3 player wear jeans and the other 3-on-3 should wear Crocs. All other players should exchange incredulous shrugs whenever one of these two players scores a basket. What should be the penalty for not shrugging or insufficiently shrugging in such instances? The IOC will decide that. We don't have the time to do this all day. The jeans player should be able to drive in a variety of driving styles that don't seem to work but actually do.7. Each game should start with the captain of each team asking the other if they want to run full court.It is not a law that 3-on-3 basketball must be played on a one-on-one basis. It is usually because it is tiring and not fun to play full court basketball with three people. But every once in a while, you will get a madman who insists on running full-court and keeps asking questions, game after game, until someone says yes. Olympic teams should honor this well-worn pick tradition by asking the question at each game's beginning. Ninety-nine out of 100 times, the answer will not be. However, there will likely be at most one game in which the captains say "Screw it!", and that'll be a wonderful Olympics moment for all.AdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisement8. 8. Teams should keep score.Scoreboards and scorekeepers are a feature of the Olympics 3-on-3 games. It is very helpful and easy to see who is winning. It would be truer to the spirit of each game if players were required to keep score of their own scores, shout out the score after each basket made, and then finally to say "Fine, whatever," to the other team.9. Each team should have at least one YouTuber on their roster who is dressed up as a geek but is actually quite good.This is a simple fix that's easy to explain. It would also give the sport some crossover appeal with children who love videos of athletes dressed up as stereotyped representations of others who are not good at sports.