According to both lawmakers, the package is just over $2B, with more than $1B for the Department of Defense, and $100M for the Capitol Police. A summary of the bill shows that $71 million of $100 million for Capitol Police would be used to boost salaries and general expenses, with more than $31million for overtime.It was a lot of work. Leahy stated that Sen. Shelby was open and honest. "I am grateful for our long-lasting friendship and relationship."Shelby stated that he was happy that the legislation focuses on immediate security needs. This is something he has long supported. It is crucial that we immediately provide funding for the Capitol Police and the National Guard.The Pentagon budget includes $521 million for the National Guard and $500 million to assist Afghan nationals who support U.S. war effort efforts. The State Department would be able to process these special immigrant visas with $600 million. $25 million would be awarded to the Department of Health and Human Services for helping refugees resettle.The $300 million would be used to upgrade the windows and doors of Capitol Building, and install security cameras. AOC, Senate Sergeant at Arms, and Capitol Police would all receive money to pay coronavirus-related expenses, including cleaning and personal protective equipment.Leahy warned that lawmakers must act quickly to get emergency cash cleared. The Capitol Police will lose their salaries next month, and the National Guard will have its training cut. However, the Pentagon and law enforcement units might be able shift funding to make up the shortfall.Shelby previously stated that he would like to move security supplemental by unanimous consent, or another expedited procedure. This wouldn't require Shelby to be the leader to make it happen.Months of debate have erupted between lawmakers over how to fund the security holes that were exposed by Jan. 6's insurrection. Republicans dismissed the majority party's offer as too costly, while Democrats demanded that any security bill include aid for Afghan nationals.The Senate could not pass any deal. In fact, the House was almost unable to pass the lower chambers security bill. Three House Democrats voted against the measure this spring, claiming that it did not provide enough funding for counseling or treatment for staff members and that it would allow for more funding to a system that is not adequately checked."I know $2.1billion is better than zero. "Politics is the art and the possible," stated Rep. Don Beyer (D.Va.), who has been pushing for increased funding for Capitol police."I thought that our bill was very good. But I'm still in the House. He added that it passed only by one vote.Steny Hoyer, House Majority Leader, said Tuesday that the lower chamber could consider the bill later in the week if the Senate moves quickly.Hoyer stated that he had spoken with Leahy on Tuesday and asked for quick action to allow the House to vote before it leaves for its long August recess. He also said that he was open to the possibility of extending the House's session or bringing it back in session during August.Hoyer stated, "If they pass tomorrow, we'll pass it here."This report was contributed by Jennifer Scholtes and Nicholas Wu.