Martin Shkreli, a convicted felon, once owned a rare Wu-Tang Clan album. The feds have now sold it... financially wiping his slate clean with U.S.A.Tuesday's announcement by the feds was that it had sold "Once Upon a Time In Shaolin"... Wu Tang's only physical copy. Shkreli, who jacked the price of the AIDS/cancer medication from $13.50 per pop to $750, sold it for $2 million in 2015 at an auction.The album's sale will pay the remainder of the forfeiture Shkreli was ordered to pay at his 2018 sentencing. Legal docs obtained by TMZ show that the feds have already collected $5121,967.70... with an outstanding balance at $2,238,482.The feds don't know what the album was sold for or to whom it was sold. Prosecutors claim that the contract for the sale of the album contained a confidentiality clause, which protects buyer and price information.BTW... The album also includes a hand-carved nickel-silver case and a leather-bound manuscript containing lyrics and a certificate.