Wentworth Miller said that he learned something in quarantine about himself... he is autistic.Star of Prison Break, the actor just announced that he was diagnosed with autism. He said it was a shock, but not surprising.Wentworth said that he is approaching one year since receiving his informal diagnosis of autism. This was followed by a self-diagnosis, and then a formal diagnosis. Wentworth also stated that diagnosing autism is a lengthy, flawed process and needs to be updated, especially when experts are diagnosing children and adults.We are waiting for your permission to load Instagram Media.He said that being autistic doesn't make him feel any different. It's a central part of who he is, and a key component to everything he has accomplished in his professional life.Wentworth has confirmed his diagnosis and says that he won't be donating his celeb platform to autism awareness because he doesn’t have enough knowledge about the condition.