Elon Musk. Michele Tantussi/ReutersElon Musk spoke about microchips, manufacturing and self-driving vehicles on Tesla's Q2 earnings conference.Tesla CEO, Donald Trump, slammed Apple's business model and encouraged more people into manufacturing.Musk won't be on any future Tesla earnings calls.Check out more stories from Insider's business page.Elon Musk praised the potential self-driving car, but also lamented the shortage of microchips. He also highlighted the difficulties of scaling manufacturing during Tesla's second quarter earnings call.Tesla CEO also criticised Apple and encouraged people to follow careers in manufacturing. He suggested that he may skip future earnings calls.These are Musk's top 12 quotes from the earnings conference, slightly edited and condensed to increase clarity.1. "Our output is fundamentally governed by the chip supply. We cannot predict how long this will continue, as it is beyond our control. Although it seems like things are improving, it is difficult to predict the future. Refers to the global shortage in semiconductors.2. "Those who haven't been directly involved in manufacturing ramp-up don't know how difficult and painful it can be." You have to eat a lot.3. It takes time to train and hire workers to run the factory. It's like a huge cybernetic group, so you can't hire 10,000 people instantly and expect them to work immediately. It is impossible."4. "Don't believe this is the messiah." - Downplaying the possibility of Tesla's batteries being modified in a way that would reduce production costs by 10%.5. "We have the Baskin-Robbins battery. There are so many formats and chemistries we have that we can say we have 36 types of battery.6. "I encourage more people to get involved with manufacturing. There is an overallocation in the US of talent in law and finance. I don't think we should not have people in law and finance. Perhaps we have too many people with the right skills in these areas.7. "The value of an autonomous fully electric fleet is enormous - it's truly amazing." This will be the most valuable thing ever done in civilization's history.8. "At scale we'll have billions upon billions of miles to prove that a car equipped with autopilot is 100%, 200% or more safe than the average human driver. It would be absurd to not allow autopilot at that point because the car becomes less safe.9. "There used to be elevator operators who could move between floors using a large switch. They would become tired, drunk, or distracted and would sometimes be cut in half to move between floors. This is the way cars work. The car will no longer be able to be operated manually by its autonomous system. It would be alarming if elevators were controlled by someone with a huge switch. This is how we will be with cars."10. Tesla has done something truly remarkable. It didn't make an electric vehicle or start a car company. It's amazing that Tesla has not gone bankrupt when it reached volume production. Only two American car companies have not gone bankrupt, and they are Ford and Tesla. On the day of victory, the seeds of defeat are already sown. We will not allow that to happen with Tesla.11. "Our goal is support the development of sustainable energy. It's not to build a walled yard and then use it to oppress our competitors. This is sometimes done by some companies. This is likely to refer to Apple's ecosystem of software, hardware, and services.12. "I will not be the default on earnings calls." I won't be participating in earnings calls going forward unless I have something very important to say.