Bezos Says He'll Give NASA Billions of Dollars If It'll Just Give Him a Contract

The richest person on the planet couldn't fly to the far reaches of space.Today, Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon and Blue Origin, published an open letter in which he offered NASA billions to purchase a Human Landing System contract (HLS).Blue Origin is determined to build a future in which millions of people live, work and play in space for the benefit of the Earth. This is the message that Blue Origin addressed to NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. NASA must immediately and confidently return to the Moon if America is to have a bright future in space.This is yet another indication that Jeff Bezos doesn't like SpaceX being his second-fiddle. Bezos now wants to support his company's efforts with his wealth and weight.AdvertisementAdvertisementNASA's Human Landing System program, which is a key component of the agency's collaboration with private sector companies, is crucial to getting the first astronauts to orbit the Moon by 2024.Blue Origin, SpaceX and Dynetics, an Alabama-based company, all vied for the chance to be the developer of the spacecraft.NASA made a controversial announcement in April that it had chosen SpaceX and SpaceX to develop the human landing platform, which is a variant on the Starship spacecraft.Both Blue Origin and Dynetics immediately challenged the decision, which resulted in SpaceX's $2.9 billion contract being put on hold in May.AdvertisementAdvertisementToday's letter states that NASA spent over half a million dollars on the National Team for 2020-21. We performed well. The team created and reduced risk to create a safe, mass efficient design that could allow for a human landing by 2024.According to Bezos, NASA's decision also ended meaningful competition over the next few years.NASA's hands were tied, however, that is the reality. NASA was given a very tight budget.SpaceX offered to land on the Moon for only $2.89 billion. Blue Origin requested $5.99 billion. Congress kept pulling at the purse strings, making it difficult for the agency to secure funding for the HLS contract.AdvertisementAdvertisementCongress approved $850 million to fund the program this year, which is far below its request for $3.4 billion. NASA Administrator Bill Nelson announced in May that NASA is asking for more than $11 Billion to fund its Human Landing System program (HLS). This will be paid over many years and added on to NASA's existing budget.Bezos' solution was to make Blue Origins more attractive at least on paper, by offering a $2 billion discount.The letter states that this offer does not constitute a deferral but a permanent and outright waiver of these payments. This offer gives time for government appropriation actions.Being the richest person on the planet can give you enormous amounts of influence.AdvertisementAdvertisementNASA diverted from its original dual source acquisition strategy because of perceived budgetary problems. This offer, Bezos claimed, removes that obstacle.Blue Origin didn't make the first attempt to get lawmakers to support NASA funding its Moon lander. Blue Origin lobbyists attempted to push legislation in May to significantly increase NASA's HLS budget.It remains to be seen if NASA will accept Bezos' offer, but it does not seem likely. The decision will likely be made by Congress.This is a positive sign in general, but it shouldn't impact current awards or strategies, Lori Garver, NASA's former deputy administrator, told The Verge. She also said that it was unlikely NASA would change its mind about the HLS contract.AdvertisementAdvertisementShe said that NASA cannot accept funding offers just because it is being offered. Blue can move forward with their own money and win more in the next round. There is nothing stopping them.It is not over. Bezos is only armed with what's available: copious amounts money.It is not clear if this will convince Congress or NASA.READ MORE: NASA offers $2 billion to Jeff Bezos in last-minute plea for Blue Origins lunar landing landerAdvertisementAdvertisementMore HLS: NASA Asks for an Exorbitant Amount of Extra MoneyFuturism readers are invited to join the Singularity Global Community. This is our parent company's forum for futuristic science and technology discussions with other like-minded people around the globe. Sign up today to get started!