Biden stated that we are bringing together agencies to ensure Americans with long Covid have access to the rights, resources, and benefits that are required by the disability law. He also added that accommodations at work, school, and in health care are all possible.This guidance comes nearly a year after the U.S. started closing down large swathes of its economy, public life and government to slow the spread Covid-19. It also comes months after multiple vaccines were made available and the country began to return to normal. Covid-19 cases are increasing in many areas as the Delta coronavirus spreads, and some states lag behind in their vaccination rates.Unvaccinated individuals should be concerned about the potential long-term effects of Covid. Some long-term patients have reported symptoms like fatigue, difficulty thinking, and chronic pain.The executive order highlighted joint guidance from the Departments of Justice and Health and Human Services, which clarified that long-term Covid could be considered a disability under federal antidiscrimination laws including the Americans with Disabilities act.The DOJ considers long Covid a disability when the person's condition or any symptoms are a mental or physical impairment that significantly limits one or more of their major life activities.The new guidelines do not consider long Covid a disability. According to the agency, an individual assessment is required in order to determine if a person's long COVID condition or any symptoms limit their ability.The White House highlighted earlier this month guidance from the Labor Department, which clarifies that employers must make reasonable accommodations for workers with long Covid. This includes providing modified equipment and work schedules to accommodate those who are disabled.The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission enforces the workplace antidiscrimination provisions in the ADA. However, it clarifies that employers don't have to provide accommodation for employees if it would be too costly or would cause undue hardship.Biden stated that his administration was committed to continuing the fight against accessibility in his remarks. Biden, as a senator, was a cosponsor for the ADA. It was signed by George H.W. Bush at the time. Bush. Biden stressed the bipartisan nature that legislation was during his speech by saying, We did it together.