Lea Thompson noticed that Howard The Duck was trending in Twitter earlier this month and wrote, "What if I get [a Howard The Duck] Marvel Reboot?"AdvertisementIt was revealed that Thompson sent the tweet during an interview as part of an oral history of the film's 35th anniversary. The 80s film's cult status was inspiring her. She was able to pitch her idea for a Howard The Duck story to Marvel Studios. Joe Quinones was responsible for some of the pitch art, as he and Chip Zdarsky were the ones who did the last Howard The Duck comic book. Chip and I collaborated and created a great pitch, she stated. Marvel liked the pitch but has different plans for each character. Because I feel like I understand the fans and both the cartoon and movie, I think I can still do a great job.Thompson explained that Marvel Studios were impressed but didn't want to give Howard The Duck too much time in the MCU. The actor took to Twitter to express her desire to direct a remake. This was done to see how many people would support the character having his own film after his appearances in Guardians Of The Galaxy, Avengers: Endgame and Avengers: Endgame.Interesting facts about the film's making can also be found in the oral history. Robin Williams was initially cast as the voice of the duck but he quit the role within the first week due to difficulty in synchronizing his voice with the animatronic bill. Robin told me that he couldn't do it by the third day. It's insane. It is impossible to follow the rhythm. I am being confined. I am being handcuffed to match the flapping ducks bill. Chip Zien, who ended up replacing Williams and speaking Howard's mind, said that I was being handcuffed.