Today's press release announced that Blumhouse, a reliable production company, and WWE, a reliable hit-making wrestling organization, have teamed up to create what will be the first ever scripted dramatic portrayal. It doesn't feel right, particularly since the WWE is a scripted portrayal. But there are other issues.AdvertisementThe United States Of America Vs. Vince McMahon is a series that shows McMahon in court during the 1990s, accused of supplying illegal steroids to WWE performers. If there were any doubts about the tone that a limited series about Vince McMahon would take, the press release suggests that McMahon was a strong beacon of justice and that the allegations were fabricated by overzealous columnists as well as an FBI hungry for convictions. Here's what the press release says about him:McMahon refused to accept a plea bargain, despite his liberty being at risk, the loss of two children, aged 11 and 12, and WWE at the brink. McMahon was eventually acquitted by a unanimous jury of his peers. He went on to create a multi-billion dollar global sports entertainment empire.Is there anybody whose last name isn't McMahon that would buy this? This would be less bizarre if McMahon and WWE were involved. He is well-known for being a manipulative, self-aggrandizing villain in WWE. However, even dedicated WWE fans know that McMahon is not a saint. It's not a bad idea to dramatize Vince McMahons story, but this? He was accused of giving steroids to wrestlers and was later acquitted. Is this because a court ruled that he was correct and that makes him the Good Guy? Hulk Hogan testified, and this means that an actor could try to win an Emmy because they played Hulk Hogan.We don't know and it may be some time before we do. This is all likely to be quite early because the press release does not mention any network/streamer involvement. McMahon should play his own game, right? This is a way to make it a worthwhile idea.