While the US is slowly moving towards adopting policies to allow more electric cars on the roads, it's not enough for Toyota. Toyota, the largest Japanese car manufacturer, has quietly lobbied Washington, DC policymakers to resist the desire to switch to all-electric vehicles. This is partly due to the fact that Toyota is behind other companies in this transition.According to The New York Times a top Toyota executive met with congressional leaders in closed sessions in recent weeks to protest the Biden administration's plans to spend billions to encourage the switch to EVs. Chris Reynolds, a top Toyota executive, argued that hybrids like the Toyota Prius and hydrogen-powered fuel cells vehicles should be included in the mix.Toyota is behind the rest of the industry in this transitionThe Alliance for Automotive Innovation, which is the main lobbying group for the auto industry in DC, has also been pushing back against EV friendly policy. According to the Times, Reynolds chairs the group that represents major car companies as well as their suppliers.A group of car companies reached a deal with California last year on tailpipe emissions. California had previously sought to establish stricter standards than the US. The Environmental Protection Agency, headed by President Donald Trump had attempted to take California's power to set its own emission standards. Biden overturned that rule, allowing California and other states the freedom to impose stricter standards.Toyota, which supported the Trump administration's battle against California, wasn't part of the original agreement. The company also opposed EV-friendly policies both in India and Japan.It is not surprising that Toyota has been trying to slow down the momentum for EV-friendly policies. This is despite its position as an early adopter and user of battery-powered transportation. The Toyota Prius was released in 1997. This helped open the door for Tesla and other companies by showing that alternative powertrains can be extremely popular. The automaker recently announced plans to release 70 additional models by 2025. These include hybrids, battery-electric, and hydrogen fuel cells.However, Toyota is not far behind its rivals and appears content to rest on its laurels as the industry laps it up several times. Nissan, General Motors and Volkswagen have sold pure battery-electric cars for many years while also revealing plans to eliminate gas cars entirely. The failure of Toyota to embrace EVs was not a new idea. The New York Times reported this in an article that dates back to 2009.Toyota's billionaire CEO AkioToyoda has called the hype surrounding electric cars overhyped by top Toyota executivesTop executives at Toyota, including the billionaire CEO AkioToyoda have called the trend towards electric vehicles exaggerated in part due to emissions from power plants, which is a popular talking point used by oil and gas.After it was revealed that the company was the largest corporate contributor to Republican legislators who opposed the certification of 2020's presidential election, the company was under fire. The majority of these politicians disagree with the scientific consensus on climate changes. Toyota initially supported the contributions but later stated that it would not allow them to continue. Toyota spokespersons must confirm to The Times that they believe climate change is real.Toyota's argument that fuel-cell and hybrid vehicles should be included in the discussion isn't a bad one. Particularly hybrid vehicles are a key stepping stone for wider adoption of EVs. This is especially true given that the infrastructure for charging is still in its infancy.However, this argument may be more persuasive if the automakers' fuel economy record was actually good. The EPA reports that Toyota has lost its industry leadership in fuel efficiency, falling to third place with GM, Ford, and other major manufacturers. The company is pushing the sale of large, gas-guzzling SUVs and trucks to make more profit than small sedans and hatchbacks.