OfficeMax and Office Depot have reintroduced their semi-regular deal, offering a $15 discount on purchases of $300 or more Visa gift cards.The DealSave $15 when you buy $300+ Visa gift certificates at Office Depot/OfficeMax.Key TermsThis offer expires on July 31, 2021.Limit 1 per customer.Only valid in-storeQuick ThoughtsYou don't need to spend more than $300 to get this offer. However, it is worth $400 to purchase Visa gift cards. While you will pay an additional dollar for activation fees, the points you earn are more than offset by the fact that you paid with a card earning points greater than 1cpp.A Chase Ink Plus card or Ink Cash card is the best choice, as they earn 5x at office supply shops. You can earn 1,995 Ultimate Rewards points by purchasing two $200 Visa gift cards. In addition, you will make a profit of $1.10.These cards are issued by MetaBank and may not be as liquidable as they were once. The activation fee for the Everywhere cards is lower, but they may not work in all places.Dosh App allows you to link your payment card for 2% cashback up to $10 per dayh/t GC GaloreGet Past DealsMay 23-29th, 2021April 11-17, 2021March 7-13, 2021December 13-24, 2020November 15-21 2020October 18-24 2020September 27-October 3 2020March 8-14th, 2020