China's Mars rover Zhurong had traveled 585 m across Mars' surface as of July 23, 2021. It also took pictures of many interesting sights along the way.The rovers landing debris is one of the most striking images taken by the rover. The rover spotted the backshell and parachute during its drives. According to the China National Space Administration, the rover saw the debris from the horizon as it drove south towards its landing site. Then, it took a closer look (lead photo) using its navigation terrain camera.CNSA stated that the rover was approximately 30 meters from the backshell and parachute assembly in the image and 350 meters from the landing site.This image was taken by Zhruong's front obstacle avoidance camera. Credit: CNSA.July 23 was the first anniversary for the Tianwen-1 rover mission and Zhurong's launch. The lander carrying Zhurong rover arrived on Mars in May 2015. It landed in Utopia Planitia in the southern hemisphere, a vast plain on Mars.More images of Zhurong are available here:Image taken from the rear obstacle avoidance camera, looking back at the rovers path beyond the parachute and backshell. Credit to CNSAMartian rock surfaces are covered in dust. (CNSA/via Xinhua).This image shows the wheel tracks of the rover and Martian rocks soil. Credit: CNSA/via XinhuaSources: CNSA and Xinhua