Annie Murphy is the main character in Kevin Can F**K Hims seventh episode. As Allison experiences a variety of emotions, she is able to show a wide range of emotions. Murphy is a great actor throughout the season. But here, she channeled her characters' pain in a very unusual way. Allison tells Patty that she hasn't cried for 10 years. The last time she cried was when she saw a dog being hit by a car outside of her old job, the liquor shop. This explains her strange outbursts in Broken. Allison is unsure what to do with her tears. She tries to stop them by flimsily, but it's quite a few times.AdvertisementAllison knows she wants Kevin to die and tells Nick to execute it the next Saturday. The episode opens with a home robbery that went wrong while Shell was in South Carolina visiting her mom for an annual vacation. After a conversation with Patty who reminds Allison that Kevin's murder is just the beginning and that people will be looking at their marriage afterward, Allison realizes she must take some difficult steps. She first dumps Sam at the end of their closet make-out session. Then, she tells him that she wants to be more focused on her marriage with her husband. He laughs at this idea. She then goes to a fertility center to try to get noticed. This will make it appear that she and Kevin are excited about having kids. Both of these actions are hard on Allison. She bursts into awkward, tearful tears at different locations, including the clinic and the sidewalk outside her house.It's fascinating to see Allison question her loneliness and desperation, as well as her morality. The only way she can make the worst decision, which was to hire a killer for her emotionally manipulative and narcissistic husband, is to give up what she loves. Broken, the penultimate episode of the series, is largely a set-up for next week's finale. Patty asked Allison if she wanted children and she replied, "Of course it's what you do." We know from the outset that Allison's worldview is shaped by traditional social norms. Maybe the episode could have been better if she had spent more time in her mind than just letting her sobs and preparing for the finale.It is clear that Nick entered the McRoberts' home sooner than expected because Broken makes it known. He is fired from his job as a busboy at The Grand Victorian, and instead of being made jobless by his parole agent, he decides to flee. After completing a task, he gets a call from someone. Next, we see Allison being interrogated and interrogated by Detectives Tammy (Kevin Chapman), but the episode does not reveal much else. Is Kevin the one who was shot? Nick was the only one who intruded? Are the cops assuming Kevin is the local drug dealer as Allison and Patty wanted? We will have all the answers in next week's season. We will now look back at the four days before the break-in to see if Allison can reinforce the false narrative that a happy marriage is possible.Another enlightening scene is the one at the clinic. Allison tells the doctor that she met Kevin at 20 and has been together since then. It makes sense that she was younger and more gullible than she is now when she first got involved with Kevin. Allison says that she probably married him because he was what she does. However, on the day of their wedding, when she was nervous, Kevin pantsed her priest instead of acknowledging it. Is it possible that he did it to make her laugh, forget her worries and/or because he thought it was funny. Allison believes the former, although I believe the truth is more accurate. This is why she believed that Kevin would do anything to help her. They are clearly and completely reversed.AdvertisementPatty and Tammy go on a sip and paint date. However, their night isn't a success when Tammy reveals that it is difficult for her to figure out her sexual preferences as a 33 year-old. Tammy seems to have hit a nerve asking Patty if she ever had feelings for her neighbor. Patty later tells Patty that she is broken and reaffirms what Sam called her after their breakup. Patty comforts her sweetly by telling her she likes this particular version of her, and if you aren't, then stay broken. Patty is moved to confront Tammy, and she confirms that she is the right one for her. .I'm not sure if Kevin Can F**K himself will venture into romantic territory with these characters, as there is only one more episode. I hope so, at least not yet. Patty and Allison both need a trusted friend, not more love complications. Maybe I am wrong and Patty was motivated to say they would both die together. She realized that she didn't want that and chose Tammy over Allison. They look very comfortable in their pajamas at Patty's house the next day.AdvertisementThey are a married couple, which is quite different from Sam and Jenn, who have a rocky marriage. After a long dinner with Jenn's parents, they come to an abrupt halt. They enjoy now lording over him. Sam leaves Jenn essentially because he doesn't want to waste the next 15 year trying to distract himself. This could spell big things for Allison. Is it possible that she will be inspired to leave Kevin by his actions? Kevin, with his buried gun from their backyard, goes after the intruder. Allison is horrified and looks on.Stray observationsIn the McRoberts' living room, Allison appears to have exchanged the brown leather chair that she gave Kevin in the last episode for a black one.We believe Nick called Nick while he was getting ready for his trip to McRoberts' house. What did they know about Allison's plot?Pete, Neil, and Kevin name their new band Jenny McCarthy Tank Top. It's absurd enough to laugh at.Allison decided to put the pamphlet from the fertility clinic in the one she had just outside her home, out of all the garbage cans in Worcester. Neil discovers it and believes Kevin is lying to him and the horribly named band. It seems that almost all of the men on this show are self-deprecating ego monsters.Neil refers to the fertility clinic as a vaginacologist.It's quite nice that Allison knows Patty's middle name, Dierdre.Patty agreed to meet Tammy to get information, but are we sure Tammy is doing the exact same? Is she more knowledgeable about the pharmacy's transactions than she is letting on? I don't want to see Patty brokenhearted.Annie Murphy used her hands to stop crying while Allison was being interviewed. This was a reminder her physicality as Alexis Rose, for six seasons of Schitts Creek.