At the Tokyo Olympics, a robot basketball player made its debut. It turns out that the robot is quite good at shooting baskets... almost frighteningly good. It's actually quite scary.This robot was rolled out by Tokyo officials on Sunday during a game between Team USA (USA) and France (France won 83-76).Ann Killion, a reporter from the University of Michigan, captured more news than just that. She also captured the headline-grabbing story: This hunky metal was slowing down and taking inartfully-sunk shots from a fair distance. It even made one basket from half-court!The robot launches the ball through the net by first swishing a 3-pointer. It then heads to the midcourt logo where it does the exact same thing, picking up the ball by itself and throwing it away.Yes, the ball passes through. The robot is able to draw buckets and, even though it is slow, it seems quite accurate. This robot could have been one of Team USA's wingmen. They were in dire need of the assistance.It's amazing that this robot can navigate itself up and down floors and take photos on its own, despite all jokes. This robot is a marvel of technology and a possible sign of the future. They will one day have a whole team of robots. What do you think?Boston Dynamics' robots are doing amazing things. They have made them behave like human beings. But do we really want to? Is it possible?