Dexter Morgan is back. Dexter Morgan is not back, he was originally from Miami, and he died in the original finale. Dexter is back! It's about Jim Lindsay, a mild-mannered, anonymously-haired man who lives in a very cold small town. It's a completely different world from Miami! Dexter Morgan was also a crime scene investigator, a serial killer and Jim Lindsa works in a sporting goods or hardware store or any other type of store that allows easy access to knives and guns. Although they are completely different, Jim Lindsa y seems to have a strange obsession with violence. The trailer that Dexters Comic-Con panel showed shows how he finds himself in close proximity of murder investigations. Both Dexter and Jim Lindsa are played by Michael C. Hall. This is also suspicious. What if Jim Lindsa is actually Dexter? It's absurd, right?We know that Dexter will be back on Starz on November 7th. Hall and the show's creators discussed the revival at the Comic-Con panel today. They revealed that Dexter will return to Starz on November 7, and that there will be a dramatic, shocking, surprising and unexpected finale. Jim Lindsay will meet Walter White from Breaking Bad. Will he escape into space to kill alien serial killers and go up in space? You can do it. It sounds great.