The Washington Post published an opinion piece written by Gary Abernathy. It argued that Trump supporters need to stop insulting them. It Won't Help (April 20, 2017), Abernathy's essay is a timely reminder about the importance historical amnesia and the need to treat Trump voters with respect, civility, reverence, reverence, and adoration, regardless of their past actions.AdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementThe 2020 election is over and the attack on the capitol Trump was incited to keep power is over. Even though people are still dying from the deadly pandemic Trump mismanaged, there is no reason to be rude. It would be wrong to treat someone as a moral leper if they support the Orioles over the Nationals. So why would you judge someone who gave the country to racist crooks that promptly killed more than half a billion Americans? Trump voters prefer to not think about whether they are responsible for the terrible things done to their names by those they specifically told to do them wrong. It is important that we on the left respect their culture.AdvertisementIt is clear that insults won't get us anywhere as we work together to clean up the mess some of us have caused. Trump voters being called dumber than a bag full of hammers is a sign that you don't care about the country's future. Clarifying that Trump voters were to a person dumber than a bag of hammers, a hammer shop that used to sell dumb hammers to people before the health department closed it down because it sold bags of dumb hammers it was illegal to sell will not help to bridge the political divide. It might feel great to offend those whose ignorance, hatred, and fear have caused so much suffering around the globe. It might feel wonderful. It could feel like you are sitting on the porch, taking your first sip from an ice-cold beer after a hot, tiring day. Or finding $20 in your jacket pocket. Or seeing the face of a friend who has been away for a while. It might feel great. Consider this:AdvertisementAdvertisementInstead, listen to Trump voters' concerns like you just got plucked from the cabbage field this morning. With no memory of the years spent listening to Trump voters' concerns, it is a good idea to do this. You can also show your support for democracy in America by saying things like "I see" or nodding your head in understanding. You shouldn't pretend you're coughing and barking Bullshit! when the Trump voter is saying that they don't approve of all that Donald Trump has done. They are not guilty of supporting a nihilistic death-cult that is directing the planet into a lake full of fire. Don't throw bricks, fruit, or pies. Don't say "Whats that?" You can't say, Whats that?AdvertisementIt's not difficult to communicate with Trump supporters. It is important to make it clear that you love them unconditionally and will not be influenced by their actions. You can distract them from whining about wind turbines or cancel culture by bringing plenty of healthy snacks. You can defuse a fussy situation by asking them, "Does the widdle baby have a binkie?" and then putting pacifiers in their mouths. Above all, manage your expectations. It's been a long time since we learned about Trump supporters and their capabilities. It is insulting to all intelligence to expect them to engage in self reflection at this stage.