Fauci stated, "I don't usually like to get involved with blaming people because I think it would push them back even further." "I understand the frustration of the governor. That's why I have no problem with it."Fauci said he would like to see more leaders encourage people to get vaccinated in order to reduce the spread of the disease.Fauci stated, "What I really want to see is more leaders in those areas which are not vaccinating get out there and speak out and encourage people get vaccinated," referring to a Louisiana congressman as well as another governor."It was very encouraging to hear people like Steve Scalise, [House Minority Whip] come out and say, Hey, we need to get vaccinated. Even Governor. Right now, Governor Ron DeSantis in Florida is saying exactly the same thing."He said, "We need to get more people who can relate to those who aren't getting vaccinated out there and encourage them to do so.Scalise is the No. Scalise, the No. 2 House Republican, received his coronavirus vaccination for the first time last week. He encouraged others to follow his lead.According to federal health officials, the highly contagious Delta coronavirus variant is on the rise in the United States. Unvaccinated individuals account for 97 per cent of all hospitalizations.Ivey, who is a vocal advocate for vaccination in Alabama, made headlines last week by urging residents to get the vaccine. She argued that people who haven’t been vaccinated are responsible for the rise in the disease in a state with the lowest rates of vaccination.Ivey said Thursday that people are supposed to use common sense. "But it's time to stop blaming the normal people and start blaming those who aren't vaccinated. We are being let down by the unvaccinated.When Fauci was asked about the comments of President Joe Biden, and other governors, that the virus was retreating a month earlier than it actually was, Fauci stated that the disease "certainly" is in retreat among those who have been vaccinated.It's almost like there are two Americas. Fauci stated that there is a vulnerable part of America and a protected part of America. "So, if your vaccines are up to date, you're in a different category than someone who hasn't.