We are pleased to announce a new article publication in BIO Integration journal. This article is by Xiao'en Shi and Xu Zhang from Tianjin University in Tianjin China. It discusses the integration of reactive oxygen compounds generation and prodrug activation to aid cancer therapy.Combining chemotherapeutic drugs with reactive oxygen species (ROS), can increase the chances of cancer treatment success. Many ROS-generation strategies have the ability to specifically consume tumor-inherent Oxygen and produce ROS. This can lead to increased ROS levels and worsened hypoxia. The ROS-generation strategy can be integrated with the prodrug activation strategy in order to achieve synergetic therapy.To integrate ROS generation and drug activation, nanomedicines that respond to stimuli have been developed in recent years. Nanomedicines can be activated by a stimulus to generate ROS at tumor sites, which can trigger the release of active drug. This article presents the most recent progress in nanomedicines, and discusses the challenges and perspectives.Article reference: Xiao'en Shi. Xu Zhang. Xinlu Zhang. Haizhen Guo. The Integration of Reactive Oxygen Species Generation. Prodrug Activation. Cancer Therapy. BIO Integration, 2021. https:/// / doi. http:/// / doi. 15212/ bioi-2021 0011BIO Integration is an open-access journal that will facilitate rapid dissemination of multidisciplinary views and drive the development of modern medicine.BIOI's mandate is to bring knowledge and interesting work from all over the globe to a wider audience. As such, it will support authors by publishing openly and waiving author fees for its first year. Authors whose native language is not English can also receive publication support in areas like manuscript development, English language editing, and artwork assistance.###BIOI now accepts submissions. Articles can be submitted online at:https:/// / Mc04. manuscriptcentral. http:// bioi.comVisit http://www. Bio-integration. For more information, visit www.bio-integration.orgEditorial Board: https:/// / biointegration. http://www.editorial-board.orgVisit http://www. Bio-integration. For more information, visit www.bio-integration.orgEditorial Board: https:/// / biointegration. http://www.editorial-board.orgBIOI is available via the IngentaConnect platform (https:/// /www. IngentaConnect. ingentaconnect. bio-integration. www.orgScholarOne is an option for submissions. http://www.scholamon.com/mc04. manuscriptcentral. http://www.bioi.comThere are no fees for article processing or author submission.Follow BIOI @JournalBio on Twitter; Facebook (https:/// / www. facebook. facebook. linkedin. http://www.linkedin.com/company/bio-integration-journal/ISSN 2712-0074eISSN 2712 -0082Keywords: Hypoxia, cancer therapy, cancer treatment, prodrug and reactive oxygen species.