According to Israel's early data, the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine seems less effective in preventing COVID-19 from arising from the Delta coronavirus variant. However, it is still highly effective in preventing hospitalization.According to Ynet news, the Israeli health ministry announced that the vaccine was effective in preventing 64% of cases and 94% of hospitalizations from June 6 through July 2.These results are in line with data that has been previously collected and show a 94% success rate in preventing infections. The vaccine prevented coronavirus-related hospitalizations by 98 percent between May 2nd and June 5.Between the two datasets, the country lifted lockdown restrictions simultaneously with the arrival of the Delta variant. This is more transmissible.The U.K. data also showed that vaccines are less effective in preventing infection with the Delta variant of the disease, but they still work well at preventing severe diseases.Public Health England reported on July 2 that data shows vaccine effectiveness against symptoms from one dose of vaccines. This ranges between 55 and 70 percent. Two doses of vaccines yielded data that indicated an effectiveness rate of 65 to 90%.This story has been updated.This article is part POLITICO's premium policy service, Pro Health Care. Our specialized journalists will keep you up to date on the latest topics in health care policy, including drug pricing, EMA and vaccines. For a free trial, email [email protected]