Ioanna works as a writer for SHIFT. She enjoys the change from old to new, and is all about shifting perspectives. Ioanna works as a writer for SHIFT. She enjoys the transition between old and modern and is all about shifting perspectives.Welcome to SHIFT Basics. This site contains tips, explanations, guides, and advice that will keep you on the cutting edge of mobility tech.Electricity will replace petrol and diesel as we move towards a more sustainable transport model.While I am excited for the EV revolution, I was also curious: Do I actually know what an electric engine does? My knowledge was not complete.I did some research, and now I'm sharing my new knowledge with you.What is an Electric Motor?The electric motor, or energy of motion, is basically a machine that converts electric energy into mechanical energy. This is the process that makes the car turn. This is possible because of the interaction between electricity and magnetism. We'll get into this below.What's inside an electric motor?The stator and rotor are the two main parts of an electric motor. It is easy to see the difference between them: The stator is static and the rotor moves. The stator inside the motor uses energy to create magnetic fields that turn the rotor. The transmission connects to the rotor, which turns the wheels and propels the car forward.Where does the energy come?This seems simple enough: the rechargeable batteries provide the power. The problem is that the battery uses a different type of electric current to the motor.We need to go back to high school physics in order understand this.There are two types electric currents. The alternating current (AC), and the direct current. The AC is an electric current where the electrons change direction periodically, while the DC flows in one direction.Let's return to EVs. The problem is that whereas motors use alternating current, batteries draw direct current. An inverter is the solution.This is the process in a nutshellLet's sum it all. Now, we can take a bottom-up approach.The batteries provide power but they run on an electric current. The inverter converts the current to an alternating current compatible with the motor. The current is then picked up by a stator which creates an alternating one compatible with the motor.Voila! And voila!HT Groupe Renault Fossbytes Sciencing, SeaiAre EVs able to excite your electrons. Are ebikes able to get your wheels turning? Are self-driving cars able to get you going?You need the weekly newsletter from SHIFT. Sign up by clicking here